The Inevitable Artifact

A sci-fi short story

Topher Benjamin
10 min readApr 24, 2023

A Relic Heard ‘Round the Galaxy

A picture of a space station orbiting a pink planet around Helios

In the year 3107, the distant colony of Elysium-4 orbited an enchantedly pink planet, Helios-A, which itself orbited the young star Helios, casting an iridescent glow across its surface. The space station, home to thousands of settlers, served as a hub for scientific research and interstellar trade, bringing together a myriad of species, cultures, and technologies. Elysium-4 had become a symbol of hope and progress, a testament to the power of unity in a universe teeming with life.

At the heart of the station was the Quantum Core, a marvel of engineering that harnessed the energy of the star to power the entire colony. Its ethereal light illuminated the station, bathing its inhabitants in a soothing glow reminiscent of a far-off nebula.

In one of the less ostentatious quarters of the station, Captain Idris Elara of the Perseus Intergalactic Exploration Team prepared for his next mission. Born on Mars to a family of distinguished engineers, Idris had always been fascinated with the mysteries of the cosmos. The stars had beckoned to him from the moment he could walk, and his thirst for knowledge had never waned.

Idris’ team, composed of the brightest minds from across the galaxy, had been assembled to uncover the secrets of an ancient alien artifact discovered on the far reaches of the Andromeda Galaxy. The relic, a massive sphere adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, had sent ripples of curiosity and fear throughout the United Galactic Coalition. It was believed to be a key to understanding the origins of the universe and the countless civilizations that called it home.

At Idris’ side was his lifelong friend and second-in-command, Lieutenant Ava Rhys. An expert in linguistics and xenobiology, Ava was a critical asset to the team, known for her ability to translate the most obscure alien languages and make sense of the cryptic clues they encountered. Her talent for finding common ground between disparate species had helped foster peace and cooperation in many a tense negotiation.

Together, they had braved the depths of space and tackled challenges that would have broken lesser beings. Their friendship was a shining example of the harmony that could exist between the human and extraterrestrial races.

The Journey to Andromeda

Captain Idris Elara stood in the hangar, overlooking his ship, the S.S. Celestial Path. The sleek, cutting-edge vessel had been designed specifically for deep-space exploration, and its onboard systems were a testament to human and alien ingenuity alike. Idris took a deep breath, his excitement mingling with the weight of responsibility he felt for his crew and their mission.

As he prepared to board the ship, Ava approached, her eyes filled with determination. “Idris, do you think we’re ready for this?” she asked, her voice steady but tinged with the slightest hint of concern.

Idris looked at his friend, his unwavering trust in her evident. “We’ve faced the unknown before, Ava. And every time, we’ve come out stronger for it. The artifact is an enigma, but it’s also an opportunity. If we can unlock its secrets, we could change the course of history.”

Ava nodded, her gaze fixating on the swirling patterns etched onto the artifact’s holographic projection. “The symbols resemble those of several known civilizations, yet there’s something distinctly unique about them. It’s as if they were deliberately designed to be understood by many, but fully deciphered by none.”

Idris furrowed his brow in thought. “Perhaps it’s a message, or a warning. Whatever it is, we’ll get to the bottom of it, Ava. I have faith in you, and in our team.”

With that, they boarded the S.S. Celestial Path, where the rest of their crew awaited them. Expert engineers, skilled pilots, and brilliant scientists from various corners of the galaxy had come together under Idris’ leadership, each driven by the same burning curiosity.

As the final preparations were made, Idris addressed his team over the intercom. “Crew of the Celestial Path, our journey to the Andromeda Galaxy begins now. We embark on a mission that could reshape our understanding of the universe. I trust in each and every one of you. Together, we will unlock the secrets of the artifact and face whatever challenges lie ahead.”

With those inspiring words, the ship’s engines roared to life, and the S.S. Celestial Path disengaged from Elysium-4. The stars outside the viewport blurred into a stunning tapestry of light as the vessel accelerated into hyperspeed. As the vastness of space stretched out before them, Captain Idris Elara and his crew embraced the unknown, their spirits ignited by the promise of adventure and discovery.

Locating the Helian Sphere

Picture of Andromeda-Prime

The S.S. Celestial Path emerged from hyperspeed, the breathtaking view of the Andromeda Galaxy stretching out before them. After several days of travel, they finally arrived at the alien planet, designated as Andromeda-Prime. The coordinates they had received indicated that the artifact, now known as the Helian Sphere, was originally discovered by miners on this very world.

As the ship descended through the planet’s atmosphere, the crew marveled at the alien landscape that unfolded below. Andromeda-Prime was a world of vibrant colors, with lush green and magenta forests and vast turquiose oceans. The sky was a brilliant orange, streaked with wispy and magnificent clouds that danced in the gentle breeze.

Upon landing, the team disembarked and surveyed their surroundings. The air was surprisingly similar to Earth’s, with a mild temperature and a faint, sweet aroma. The flora and fauna were as diverse as they were mesmerizing, with creatures of all shapes and sizes roaming the lush, bioluminescent fields.

Ava led the team towards a nearby settlement, her three-fingered hands swiftly manipulating a universal translation device. As they approached, the locals — a tall, slender race with iridescent skin and elongated limbs — greeted them with curiosity and warmth.

“Captain, let me handle the communications,” Ava said, her multifaceted eyes sparkling with anticipation. As she spoke with the inhabitants, Idris couldn’t help but admire her grace and fluidity in dealing with alien species. As a Xylopharian, she had always possessed a natural aptitude for understanding and connecting with others, regardless of their origins.

Through her conversation with the locals, Ava discovered that the Helian Sphere had been unearthed in a nearby mine, now abandoned due to mysterious accidents and equipment malfunctions. The miners had named it after Helios, the star that illuminated Elysium-4, as its markings seemed to resonate with the same energy.

With a newfound sense of direction, the team thanked the Andromedan inhabitants for their assistance and set off towards the mine. As they ventured deeper into the alien world, the sense of awe and wonder only grew stronger. Captain Idris Elara, Lieutenant Ava Rhys, and their crew moved ever closer to the enigmatic Helian Sphere, each step bringing them closer to understanding the secrets it held within.

Descent into the Abandoned Mine

A picture of the breathtaking entrance of the mine

The team arrived at the entrance of the mine, its mouth gaping wide like the jaws of an ancient beast. The once-bustling site now stood eerily quiet, a testament to the fear and superstition that had driven the miners away. Undaunted, Idris and his crew put on their headlamps and harnesses, preparing to descend into the depths of the alien mine.

The mine’s interior was a labyrinth of dark, twisting tunnels lined with bioluminescent fungi that cast a ghostly, pulsating light. The walls were composed of a metallic mineral, resembling veins of silver woven through black stone. The air grew cooler and heavier as they ventured deeper, the echoes of their footsteps the only sound piercing the silence.

As they reached the area the locals had described, they carefully scanned their surroundings, searching for any sign of the Helian Sphere. One of the engineers, a Glerian named Rylth, suddenly perked up, his keen senses detecting a faint glow emanating from a deeper cavern.

“Captain, do you see that?” Rylth said, pointing towards the source of the light. “It’s the same ethereal glow as the Quantum Core of Elysium-4.”

Idris squinted into the darkness, and sure enough, the glow was unmistakable. “You’re right, Rylth. That must be the artifact. Let’s move, team.”

With renewed vigor, they followed the glow, navigating the treacherous terrain with the precision and skill born of countless missions. As they drew closer, the light grew stronger, its otherworldly presence beckoning them forward.

Finally, they reached a vast chamber, and there, slightly suspended in mid-air, was the Helian Sphere. The massive artifact was even more impressive up close, its intricate patterns and symbols weaving a mesmerizing tapestry of cosmic significance. It pulsed with a powerful energy that seemed to hum in harmony with the very fabric of space and time.

Ava stared at the artifact, her voice barely more than a whisper, “It’s… beautiful.”

Idris nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on the Helian Sphere. “It’s like staring into the heart of the universe itself.”

The entire team stood in awe, captivated by the mysterious artifact. They could feel the weight of history and the countless civilizations that had come before them, all bound together by this enigmatic relic. They knew that within the Helian Sphere lay the key to understanding not only their own origins, but perhaps the very nature of existence itself.

The Message within the Sphere

A picture of the Helian Sphere

As the initial awe subsided, the team sprang into action, methodically unpacking a variety of advanced equipment and devices. Captain Idris and his crew were determined to unravel the enigma of the Helian Sphere, to understand its purpose and the knowledge it held.

Rylth, the Glerian engineer, set up a portable spectral analyzer to study the artifact’s energy readings, while other members of the team used scanners and probes to determine its composition. Each member worked diligently, their expertise evident in their efficiency and precision.

Meanwhile, Ava focused on deciphering the symbols and patterns adorning the Helian Sphere. She meticulously scanned each symbol with her translation device, cross-referencing them with the vast database of known languages and cultures she had accumulated throughout her career.

Hours passed as the team collected data, their findings painting an increasingly complex picture of the artifact. The Helian Sphere appeared to be composed of an unknown material, its properties unlike anything they had ever encountered. Its energy readings were off the charts, yet somehow, it remained stable and contained.

As the team continued their analysis, Ava’s focus on the symbols intensified. She was close to deciphering a significant portion of the intricate patterns when suddenly, her eyes widened in disbelief. She stared at the translation device, her mind reeling from the implications of the message she had uncovered.

“Captain, I… I’ve made a breakthrough,” Ava stammered, her voice trembling with disbelief. “But it’s… it’s impossible.”

Idris approached, concern etched on his face. “What did you find, Ava?”

Ava hesitated, her hands shaking as she clutched the translation device. “The symbols… they tell a story. A story that predates everything we thought we knew about the cosmos. It says that our universe is just one of countless others, each with their own unique set of laws and properties. But more than that, it claims that we… our species, and many others, were created by an ancient race of beings, as an experiment in understanding the nature of existence.”

The team exchanged skeptical glances, the weight of Ava’s revelation nearly too much to bear. Idris furrowed his brow, trying to process the information. “Are you certain, Ava? This discovery would turn everything we know about the universe on its head.”

Ava nodded solemnly. “I am, Captain. The language is unlike any I’ve ever encountered, but its message is clear.”

Rylth stared at the artifact, his voice barely audible. “We’re… creations? An experiment?”

As the team grappled with the impossible knowledge gleaned from the Helian Sphere, they were left in an existential crisis. Their understanding of the cosmos, and their place within it, had been irreversibly altered. The mystery of the artifact had revealed a truth far greater and more unsettling than any of them could have ever imagined.

The Artifact’s Purpose Fulfilled

The team stood in stunned silence, their minds racing to comprehend the implications of the knowledge they had just uncovered. Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber, emanating from the Helian Sphere itself. It spoke in a language that was at once foreign and familiar, as if it had been embedded in the fabric of their beings.

“Creation-187638342 discovered the true nature of existence in approximately 102.711 epochs,” the voice declared, its tone detached and emotionless. “Beginning termination of creation-187638342 and queuing the instantiation of creation-196652133.”

The voice fell silent, leaving the team speechless and in shock. They stared at each other, trying to make sense of what they had just heard. Was their universe, their very existence, about to be erased?

Only moments after the voice terminated, the fabric of reality began to crumble before their eyes. The physical matter, energy, and space within their universe started to fade away, like a painting being washed away by a torrent of water. The walls of the mine dissolved into swirling particles, the ground beneath their feet disintegrating into nothingness.

As the horrifying process unfolded around them, the team watched in abject terror, unable to escape or prevent their impending doom. The swirling vortex of destruction closed in, consuming everything in its path.

Ava and Idris locked eyes, tears streaming down their faces as they bore witness to the annihilation of their universe. Their hands reached for one another, fingers intertwined for a fleeting moment before their bodies too began to dissolve, reduced to their most fundamental particles.

In the end, there was only darkness and silence — an eternal void where once there had been life, love, and the infinite beauty of existence. And somewhere, in a realm beyond comprehension, a new creation sparked to life, its secrets and mysteries waiting to be discovered.

