Week 04: GSoC’23 with OpenMRS

2 min readJun 27, 2023


Welcome back to another exciting update on my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) journey! Week 4 has been a rollercoaster ride filled with both productive meetings and unexpected challenges.
In this blog post, I will share my experiences tackling the hurdles we faced, particularly those related to the OpenMRS platform updates.

Meetings and Collaboration:
This week, I had the opportunity to participate in several crucial meetings with fellow contributors. These discussions were incredibly valuable as they allowed us to exchange ideas, review the project’s progress, and re align our goals for the upcoming weeks.

Challenges on the Dev Server:
Unfortunately, we encountered some challenges on the development server due to important updates made on the OpenMRS platform. These updates unexpectedly impacted the operation of our local server, which was a slight setback. However, it is essential to note that challenges like these are not uncommon in the world of software development. They provide us with valuable opportunities to learn, adapt, and find innovative solutions.

Collaborative Solutions:
I am incredibly grateful for the collaborative spirit within the OpenMRS community. With their collective expertise, the team swiftly began working on resolving the issues caused by the platform updates. This collaborative approach is one of the many reasons why open-source projects like OpenMRS thrive and continually evolve.

Maintaining Momentum:
While we patiently wait for the server issues to be resolved, I am using this time to focus on other aspects of the project. I have been exploring alternative ways to make progress, such as conducting research, refining the project , and preparing for future development tasks. By optimizing my productivity during this period, I aim to ensure that the project stays on track once the server issues are resolved.

stay tuned !

