Have You been Injured in a Rear-End Accident in Seattle? You need a Legal Advocate to Help You.

Jason Epstein
3 min readSep 6, 2017


A rear-end accident occurs when a driver hits the back of another driver’s vehicle. According to the laws in Washington, a driver is supposed to follow all traffic laws such as not following too closely behind another vehicle to avoid a car accident. For instance, the law requires each driver to leave plenty of space between them and the vehicle in front of them so that they can avoid any sudden stops the person in front may make.

Rear-end Accident (Image via Pixabay.com [CC0])

Unfortunately, drivers do not always act as, what Washington personal injury law refers to as, a reasonable driver. A reasonable driver would keep enough space between them and all other vehicles to prevent a sudden stop from becoming a rear-end accident. The driver who follows too closely and hits the back of another vehicle does not act as a reasonable person. This makes them liable for a rear-end accident.

The Common Causes of a Seattle Rear-End Accident

Following too closely is just one cause of rear-end accidents in Seattle. Various underlying issues may happen to cause this type of accident. Here are some other common causes of rear-end accidents that are the fault of the driver who was failing to act reasonably:

  • Speeding
  • Drowsy driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Tailgating
  • Texting or using a cell phone while driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Limited visibility, especially in bad weather
  • Driving too fast on snowy, icy, or wet roads

Common Injuries in a Rear-End Vehicle Collision in Seattle

In a rear-end collision, the speed of the impact can be a factor in the seriousness of injuries to an accident victim. The type of accident injuries that may occur in a rear-end car accident includes, but is not limited to:

  • Neck and shoulder injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Head injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck and shoulder injuries
  • Facial disfigurement

Suing a Driver for a Multiple Rear-End Accident in Seattle

In many rear-end accidents, liability is easy to determine because an at-fault driver hits the back of an accident victim’s vehicle. The at-fault vehicle is liable. However, some rear-end accidents are more complicated because they involve more than two vehicles.

Front- and Rear-End Accident (Image via Pixabay.com [CC0])

For instance, a driver following too close and hits the back of another vehicle. That vehicle hits the one in front of it. The middle vehicle has front- and rear-end damage. The driver in the middle vehicle may also have severe physical injuries.

The two accident victims, the middle and front vehicles, would have claims against the driver following too closely to the middle vehicle that started the chain reaction collision. However, the driver of the front vehicle may also have a claim against the driver of the middle vehicle if they were also following too closely.

Contact Premier Law Group regarding Your Seattle Rear-End Accident

You were acting as a reasonable person by following all traffic rules, but you were still injured. The laws make a driver who causes a rear-end accident liable for any damages an accident victim sustains. However, you still have to prove you sustained injuries in an accident that was not your fault.

For more information please call 206.285.1743 or contact the Premier Law Group for a free consultation, and let us help you prove your case. Get the money you deserve to cover your injuries.



Jason Epstein

An award winning Seattle WA personal injury lawyer, Jason Epstein is dedicated to representing injured people since 1999.