How to Buy the Best Water Tank for House?

Topline Industries
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Safe drinking water is a fundamental need, and a constant water supply is required for regular activities. Frequently, municipalities do not provide sufficient water all through the day. So, homeowners choose to invest in a water tank for their house to get water supply every time.

Water storage tanks come in different capacities, such as 500l water tanks, 600l, 1000l or more, to collect water and store it for after-use and access. Home and overhead water tanks have become significant because they are beneficial for people to get the water supply 24×7.

Here are a few steps we have discussed to buy the best water tank:

Steps to select the best water tank for the house

Several things need to be considered when buying a water storage tank for home, such as:

  1. Capacity

One has to think about the water tank capacity for a home prior to buying one. For a small family, 500l water tanks to 600l tanks are sufficient, and for a large family, 700 to 1,000-litre tanks are sufficient. One can also go for tanks between 100 and 300 litres.

2. Shape

Water tanks for homes are offered in diverse shapes. The selection will ideally be dependent on the amount of space where the tank is likely to be kept. Vertical water storage tanks are the best for storing groundwater, whereas horizontal water tanks are perfect for underground water storage purposes. For household activities, a vertical tank will be perfect, as rectangular and square shape tanks can fix in the corners and make the best usage of space. For big areas, cylindrical water tanks are the perfect solution.

3. Colours

Water storage tanks are available in different colours like white, black, green, beige, etc. Black and green tanks are generally chosen because they stop UV rays and the development of harmful bacteria.

4. Material and durability

A water tank’s durability is an essential factor, as it requires being tough and strong to undergo temperature variations. In some regions, one may also require a water tank for the house that gives safety next to annoyances by animals.

Always select a top-quality LLDPE or low linear-density polyethylene material and food-grade plastic. These are best to use and are strong. The water tank cap is essential for stopping dust and different pollutants from polluting the water.


So, from this post, we understand that before buying a water tank, whether 500l water tanks, 1000 ltr, or more, we should keep the above factors in mind. For more details, you can refer to Topline Industries.
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Topline Industries

Topline industries is one of the leading manufacturer of Blow & Roto water storage tanks, PVC & HDPE pipes and fittings in India.