Cowardly Bullies Run in Numbers (Twitter Flaws & Links To Mob Mentality Exposed)

al king
2 min readSep 10, 2017


True story that just happened to me. MY twitter got suspended, … for an apparent violation of community guidelines. This is that ‘new thing’ twitter put in to make sure racist white supremacist cannot bully LGBTQ communities. As usual, this extra layer of ‘protection’ is not for black people. Several black people continue to have their social media outlets ‘attacked’ by these racist mob-troll groups — who simply take advantage of Flaws in most of these social networks. The ability to use False Flags to ban/silence individuals. On Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook too.

These are ‘patterns’ that you’ll witness over and over again, if you pay attention. Several months ago, I wrote about how Trolls were attacking Dr. Boyce Watkins. These are not subjects I’m new to. Just a few weeks ago, I even addressed the ‘cross section’ of MLM and Racism.

There are so many people who say we should not talk about these issues, but, they do not go through what we go through.

When asking a woman a simple question about why she felt she had been scammed (duped) By MLM a simple ‘I wrote a blog about it’ would have been respectful. But, racism is all about disrespect.

In business, so often we (black business people) encounter outright disrespect for no apparent reason.

She didn’t know me from Adam, as I didn’t know her. Yet, that’s the very reason I ended up getting suspended on Twitter. She, is apparently part of a Troll army/gang of cyber bullies that hate MLM. The moment I asked her this question, she responded by tagging her ‘gang’.

She would of course, go on to deny that it was an attempt to bully me. It’s clearly the definition of it, as it went from a One on One conversation, to a One on Four. She even went further to tag two more people, making it a One on Six. It’s textbook bullying — together they false flagged me — reported my tweets and got me suspended, because that is what hey do.

Twitter uses Lazy Moderation and it allows for White supremacists, Kek-Trolls and, even people who Just hate MLM to gang up on Individuals they dislike.

All of them hide behind fake names, fake photos, and fake identities. These cowards are always like this. They run in packs because alone they have No power. Willie D. shows us that with a White Supremacist from Charlottesville (Nails it again, cowardly, lost racists)

The image I found and shared, was fitting. That’s who these people are they are the children of Manifest Destiny. It created a culture that is still with us to this day and it is as destructive as it ever was.



al king

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