Google Panda vs Google Penguin


Top SEO Vancouver
5 min readJul 1, 2019

Google is no longer just a search engine; it is also a verb, an action, and a word in the dictionary. From 1998 to the present day where it had reached its peak of popularity and kept expanding as a mass brand, Google has come a long journey. What users claim to find most interesting in this simple search engine is that it answers to the point and directs towards best results. Behind the simplicity with which the users experience Google, there is a large crew of engineers turning the screwdrivers to help it function properly. Parallel to the advancements, Google has also become super rich through selling ad space to companies, websites, online stores and organizations worldwide. Google’s decisions of displaying business owners have become a fundamental factor in their successes and failures. Paid ads being a different matter, there is still an organic option of popularity in Google: SEO. Search engine optimization depends entirely on what Google defines as ranking algorithms. Ranking algorithms are the yardstick by which Google decides to rank some websites high and some low. What we do with so much passion is studying the constant updates of Google’s ranking algorithms, understanding their patterns and tendencies, and adapting our SEO service processes to keep heads-up on the continuous changes. Google’s new algorithm updates often stir the SEO community. Two of such greatly prominent changes that happened were when Panda and Penguin stopped being just zoo animals, to become Google’s latest updated algorithms.


Google Panda Algorithm was name after one of its engineer Navneeth Panada

Penguin algorithm update that followed Panda in 2012, also focuses on making the user experience more valuable and useful. The penguin update polarizes the concept of backlink support. The update studies the backlinks you have for your websites, therefore the more authoritative backlinks from quality sites; the better. This idea led many SEO consultants and web designers, and clients towards a common misconception that the domain name of a given site was what categorized it as good or bad. One instance is the idea of .edu being a more credible source than .com. Google announced later in the year that creating backlinks from .edu and .gov could be greatly valuable only because of the quality content they harbor and not because Google has some favored devotion to specific domain types. With the clearance of such misapprehensions, the Penguin algorithm was updated to a bug-fixed version that was Penguin 4.0. The update says that Penguin now runs in real time — which means it has collaborated with the main algorithm in the same way Panda was. The second major concern of the updated Penguin is that it should become more granular. This indicates that with the updated version of the Penguin algorithm, the usual procedure of administering Penguin violation penalties in a large scale site-wide perspective would be changed into a more individual aspect. This is like offering brief forgiveness to SEO operators to remove connections with bad links without immediately losing the whole progress of their websites at once.


Google Penguin Algorithm

Penguin algorithm update that followed Panda in 2012, also focuses on making the user experience more valuable and useful. The penguin update polarizes the concept of back-link support. The update studies the back-links you have for your websites, therefore the more authoritative back-links from quality sites; the better. This idea led many SEO consultants and clients towards a common misconception that the domain name of a given site was what categorized it as good or bad. One instance is the idea of .edu being a more credible source than .com. Google announced later in the year that creating back-links from .edu and .gov could be greatly valuable only because of the quality content they harbor and not because Google has some favored devotion to specific domain types. With the clearance of such misapprehensions, the Penguin algorithm was updated to a bug-fixed version that was Penguin 4.0. The update says that Penguin now runs in real time — which means it has collaborated with the main algorithm in the same way Panda was. The second major concern of the updated Penguin is that it should become more granular. This indicates that with the updated version of the Penguin algorithm, the usual procedure of administering Penguin violation penalties in a large scale site-wide perspective would be changed into a more individual aspect. This is like offering brief forgiveness to SEO operators to remove connections with bad links without immediately losing the whole progress of their websites at once.


With both Panda and Penguin algorithm updates rolled into one, it would be difficult to decipher, which requires what, and how. The common guideline for both approaches would be to make your site as original, readable and demonstrable as possible. The more you work to please the users of your website, the more positive vibes would it generate to Google? With the two updates, black hat SEO techniques are highly prone to being caught. Avoiding them at all costs is an SEO consultant’s prime responsibility.
The Panda update mainly deals with the quality of content and the optimistic user experience. The Penguin update does the same thing in a different way, by focusing on the backlink of your website. The Panda checklist can make you understand how far you go by its rules, and the removal of spam links could keep you from violating Penguin. Despite some argumentative discussion on the subject, Google Disavow Tool is still valid in your SEO process. SEO consultants can utilize it to avoid manual Penguin penalties and actions that would not be in the range of Penguin but would end up ranking you low in the search engine results pages. To keep all parties unscathed, have your own set of rules in an SEO strategy to keep you alert of the rights and wrongs in digital marketing. Going by Google’s rules should never mean limiting yourself to a frame. As long as your strategy is original, innovative and unique — utilize it confidently.

To have a Google Panda and penguin algorithm friendly SEO services, you will have to struggle a little bit as there are many SEO consultants in Canada. It would be really hard to pick the right consultant with proper white-hat SEO strategies.



Top SEO Vancouver

Top SEO Vancouver is a Search Engine Optimization company in Vancouver. We have affordable SEO solutions for businesses. Feel free to visit our website.