Dream Car Drag Race Shootout

TopSpeed One
2 min readAug 7, 2017


Nine dream cars go head to head in a winner stays on shootout.

A scorching hot day in September saw a very special horsepower fuelled shootout take place at a disused RAF Runway. We brought together nine dream cars and a total of 5,788 bhp for the ultimate shootout for SCD-TV, presented by YouTuber and member MrJWW.

A huge thanks to our sponsors BOTB.com — The Dream Car Competition company for making this video possible!

The concept was simple, we pitched the cars head to head from a standing start over half a mile, in a winner stays on shootout and it was all about who crossed the line first. We finely tuned a running order based on our best knowledge, consisting of 8 head to head races, and each pair ran best of three to ensure the right car was going through.

Needless to say there were some interesting and some unexpected results. Of course the 918 Spyder was always going to reign supreme, but by how far? The McLaren 570S caused quite a stir, the ‘baby McLaren’ was batting way above its station and even left the F12 quaking in its boots.

We are of course reluctant to give too much away, to watch the full video visit SCD-TV.COM — it will be live at 6pm GMT on Sunday 2nd October.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this video and please let us know what cars you’d like to see next time!! Going forward we will be filming more shootouts with various combinations of cars owned by SCD club members from different eras.

Source: Supercar Driver

Originally published at TopSpeed One.

