How I Made $20,000 Gaming on TikTok in less than 6 Months ( TikTok Creativity Program )

Stefano Cappellini
3 min readMar 23, 2024


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

How I Made $20,000 in 5 Months Playing Video Games

Ever wondered if playing video games could actually pay off? Not just in virtual achievements or in-game currency, but in cold, hard cash? I’ve embarked on that very journey and found success in a way that might just inspire you. Diving into the world of content creation, particularly through platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook, I’ve turned my gaming hobby into a profitable venture. Here’s how you can do the same.

The Power of Unconventional Gaming

Starting with a unique approach to gaming was key. Adopting the Nintendo Switch controllers for games like Modern Warfare 3 and other shooting games, I carved out a niche. The unusual setup sparked curiosity and drew viewers in, challenging the conventional ways we play and stream games. This strategy not only grabbed attention but also set the stage for growth across various platforms, proving that sometimes, thinking outside the box (or console) pays off.

Engage and Monetize on TikTok

Starting Strong

My journey kicked off on TikTok, where I resurrected an old gaming page. Despite starting with a modest following, consistent posting and engaging content led to explosive growth. The trick? Regular uploads and leveraging viewer comments to shape my content. By addressing doubts about the authenticity of my gameplay and incorporating humor, I created a community of engaged followers.

The TikTok Creativity Program

The real game-changer was joining the TikTok Creativity Program. This allowed longer video uploads and opened the door to monetization. With strategic content planning and by hitting specific follower and view milestones, I started earning significantly more for my efforts. Regularly posting content that stands out, like gaming with unconventional controllers, positioned me to take full advantage of this program.

Expanding Horizons: YouTube and Facebook

Diversifying platforms is crucial. Repurposing my TikTok videos for YouTube and Facebook without additional editing streamlined my content strategy across platforms. This not only increased my reach but also boosted my earnings. The key here was consistency and utilizing platform-specific features, like YouTube Shorts, to maximize views and engagement.

Community and Content: The Pillars of Growth

Building a Community

Interacting with my audience, taking on their challenges, and turning negative comments into content fuelled growth. This established a loyal viewer base eager to see more of my unconventional gameplay and humorous takes. My approach to gaming, focusing on entertainment and relatability, made my content more appealing.

Content Strategy

I kept my content strategy straightforward but effective: post regularly, utilize engaging captions, and always look for ways to stand out in a saturated market. This consistency in posting and engaging with my community turned casual viewers into dedicated followers.

Concluding Thoughts

Starting from humble beginnings and leveraging platforms like TikTok, I’ve seen firsthand the power of consistent, engaging content. By embracing what makes you unique and understanding your audience, anyone can transform their passion into profit. It’s not just about playing games; it’s about creating experiences and building a community that shares your enthusiasm. So, whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting, remember, your unique approach could be just what the world of content creation needs.



Stefano Cappellini

📝💻 Lover of writing & AI, fitness enthusiast, passionate about coding. Let's explore and innovate together! 🚀🤖