Deaddie Du Dead Chapter 2: We Are Going to Be Friends Review

Toran L
5 min readMar 21, 2023


Here’s everything that went down in Chapter 2 of Deaddie Du Dead.

Chapter 2 cover: Yvas (left) and Alissa (right) © Arūnas Murnikovas

The following contains spoilers for Deaddie Du Dead Chapter 2, “We Are Going to Be Friends,” written and illustrated by Arūnas Murnikovas, available in English from MyFutprint Entertainment. Debuted in Issue #17 Saturday PM.

Deaddie Du Dead Chapter 2 picks up after Yvas’s resurrection gaining his “awakening.” He and Alissa team up for one goal: to destroy the agency and become free. Alas, it won’t be that easy as there’s a bounty on Yvas from an underground organization.

Background and World-Building

Page 57 Distorted Building © Arūnas Murnikovas / Saturday AM

From Chapter 1 it’s understood that the world in which Yvas and Alissa live in is a destitute and restrictive one, affected by a “distortion” that has become a part of everyday life. The author, Arūnas, builds the world and the background of the characters a bit more. There is some type of “void” that Yvas possesses (or lack thereof), ironically, there being a mouth that behaves as a void on his hat. In a bit of background, Yvas received the hat as a gift from Lou as children because it didn't listen to him. Functionally, the hat acts as a backpack to store any item for Yvas.

Lou disclosed to Yvas that “when the environment started distorting, people were really scared but over time everyone got used to it.” Yvas all but knew that already as he had lost his home due to distortion, and now resides with his grandparents. Since he stayed with his grandparents, he was able to avoid that part of town, where people go when they have no family and/or have no home due to being lost to distortion. In boredom, Yvas and Lou begin to play “tuku tuku” which is similar to hide-and-seek in this world.

Yvas attempts to chase Lou in the game and ends up near that part of town, then suddenly a strange man on the street attempts to attack and stab Yvas in a dark alleyway. The man is alerted by a “psycho girl” and that scares him off, disclaiming Yvas “got lucky.” Immediately upon her appearance, the reader can see that it is seemingly Alissa (whom Yvas actually saw earlier in the crowd when looking for Lou in the game).

The Beginning of a Friendship

Page 69 Yvas (lower left), Alissa (upper right) and Lou (lower right) © Arūnas Murnikovas / Saturday AM

The issue of this chapter, declared by the author is: The beginning of the friendship between Yvas and Alissa; Yvas and Alissa put their plan of taking down the agency into action. The story of Yvas and Alissa begins with their chance meeting in that part of town, and the author quickly introduces the development of their friendship and the challenges they face as they navigate their violent, unusual environment.

When they met as children, Alissa was too shy to introduce herself when she saw Lou and Yvas playing “tuku tuku”, but upon Alissa saving Yvas, he introduced himself and they became friends. When Yvas invited Alissa to join in on their game, she abruptly disclaims that she has to go but Yvas “owes [her] a soda.” Lou believes that she avoided playing because Alissa lives in that part of town and has no parents.

Then, we resume the story 5-years later. Yvas met with Kurt, who will be his mentor in the agency, upon being elected to the agency due to his advanced skills and high-praise recommendations. Upon entering the room to meet his assigned partner, Yvas soon realizes that he’s familiar with the woman facing away from him. “Alissa?” he questions and they find themselves not only working at the same agency, but being assigned as partners. Humorously, Yvas gives her the soda he owed her, 5-years overdue.

Page 75 © Arūnas Murnikovas / Saturday AM

Rather abruptly, but cohesive, the story skips ahead 2-years and we receive more background and character development. Alissa has been working for the agency since she was a child, when she met Lou and Yvas first. This explains her seemingly desperate status as a child.

Another important moment in the story came when Alissa informs Yvas that the events that occurred that day became known as “KON13.” As the story unfolds, we discover more and more how this world is embroiled with adventure and mystery. The events that have taken place and have been highlighted so far in the story show the impact on the characters and their development. This chapter examined themes of friendship and perseverance, to build a compelling narrative and create a connection between the reader and the characters.

We’re not quite sure what that means yet, but I’m excited to see where Arūnas takes it and develops Deaddie Du Dead for the future. The relationship between Yvas and Alissa (or the trio with Lou) leaves readers captivated and wanting more.

Look at my previous review of Deaddie Du Dead Chapter 1:

Deaddie Du Dead is a Lithuanian original English-language manga series written by Arūnas Murnikovas (Instagram @aruunas_art). It began monthly serialization in Saturday AM’s seinen manga magazine, Saturday PM, in March 2022.

Synopsis from Saturday AM: In the dismal world where humans live together with hybrids everything becomes more distorted day by day. While everyone is used to living with the hybrids, they are still strange creatures, a borderline between humans and other animals. Hybrids introduce humans to even stranger concepts which allows them to use their potential to its fullest. Yvas is a teenager who happens to work as an assassin for an agency established by the government to exterminate street gangs. However, after an incident between them and his friend, Yvas and his partner Alissa swear to destroy the agency and become free from it. Everything gets even more complicated when Yvas becomes the target of another big underground organization.

