Juvenile Boot-Camp Programs- Should we revisit this option for Badass Youth?

Tracy S. Maxwell
1 min readSep 10, 2015


In the late 1980’s and throughout the 1990’s juvenile bootcamp programs for trouble youth were saturated all over the country. All of your day-time television programs covered at some point some child who terrorized their parents or was in some form of trouble. Then came the drill instructor who set the youth straight and got them back on track. Unfortunately most of those sergeants were untrained or only spent a few years in the military.

So what happen to those programs? Like anything a lack of funding, poor organizational structure and untrained staff which led to abuse on youth, poor follow-up/ aftercare all contributed to the demise of these programs.

With the lessons learn of the pass, These programs could be useful in providing options for parents and communities desperate to save a generation of trouble youth before they become involved in the penal system.

With the continued qrowth of the multi-million dollar private-prison industry that banks on the fact that kid’s will continue to fill their Prisons- Parents should have options at their disposal to help SAVE their Children.


T. Maxwell

