5 min readAug 11, 2020


lets be pubilcy honest did we really need a fourth indiana jones movie i mean the series could have ended after the third film

but instead we get this movie which is nothing but a mess i think kingdom of the crystal skull is bad

because it has a weak famele villain and then you have shia lebouf swinging like tarzan give me a break

i mean let be honest did we really need a fourth indiana jones movie no we did not

so i feel like this movie was just so bad and so annoying that we barley even need it

it just not a proper indiana jones movie that people should watch if they love the franchise

am hoping the fifth movie can better then this movie when it comes out 2022 with harrison ford reprising the role

and james mangold directing the movie all in all i just feel like kingdom of the crystal skull was bad and not very good

i just think that this movie should not have been made because it just terrible and not very good


i can not watch this film without being scared by the ending of the film because the ending to raiders of the lost ark really really really scared me

i just felt so scared watching the ending of the film it was just not a fun experince considering that how i felt the first time i saw this movie

the ressson i put in number 3 is because even though it the first indiana jones movie it never really felt like it had action in it

as much as the third film which was the last crausde i feel like both movies are good and okay

but the first film does not have as much action as the third film so that why am putting it in number 3

i know everyone around the world loves this movie because it the film to start the indiana jones franchise

but really when you watch it more often you releiase the ending to the film is too scary and it does not have enough action

that just my issue with this movie i think it was an okay film to introudce indiana jones played by harrison ford

but it just felt like the ending was too scary and there was not enough action to the movie no offense to this film

but raiders of the lost ark is not a perfect indiana jones movie not at all unless you watch it more often and tell yourself it perfect


sean connery and harrison ford make the perfect father and son duo in this movie they really do they make such a good duo

that it impossible to not like them the way they interact with each other as father and son is kind of the best thing ive seen in an indiana jones movie

i like how this film has more action in it then raiders of the lost ark which had only one job start the indiana jones franchise

and also the idea that there this crazy guy looking for the holy grail and dies at the end of the film not suceeding makes for an intersting story

the last crusade really felt like the proper way to conclude the indiana jones series and there was no need for a fourth film

because that should never have happened at all but you cant stop what coming you can only acept the inventble

i do feel like this movie was a great way to show indiana jones having family issues and give sean connery a break from james bond

but other then that this film really has good action in it and a good story so it really felt like once this movie ended

there was no need for kingdom of the crystal skull because i think indiana jones should only have been a trilogy of movies

so that might have been the proper decision instead of the fourth film because they used aliens in it


i have a lot of postive things to say about this movie considering that i was scared as a child by the last crausde and raiders of the lost ark

but i was never scared by this movie at all because it was never scary at all i never felt scared by the scene in which mola rom rips a guy heart out

nore did i feel scared by the scene when indiana jones falls into the dark sleep temple of doom is the perfect indiana jones movie in my opinion

it so likebul and so enjoybul but you cant help but feel embarssed by wille scott in this movie because she does nothing but yelling

she the only strange thing about this movie other then that i really feel like it the perfect film for the franchise

and if people are saying it bad like the fourth film then dont agree with those guys watch the movie and you might like it for a change

it was never the worst indiana jones movie nore were it the scariest it just like it was a proper indiana jones movie

with a proper storyline that knew which direction it was going and none of it ever felt like it was trying to be a bad movie

because in all honesty indiana jones and the temple of doom remains my favourite in the franchise since it never scared me

and had a cool villain who was not a nazi i mean this movie was just so incredible and so fun to watch

the temple of doom remains my favourite indiana jones movie of all time and people out there should ingore others who hate it

