Torex Functionality Guide: API connection

2 min readJan 21, 2020


API crypto trading with Torex.One trading platform.

Torex.One is a cryptocurrency trading platform that combines all the necessary tools for efficient trading. Though the capabilities of the platform were designed to match high standards of professional and experienced traders, the easy-to-understand interface makes Torex.One suitable for beginners as well. In the series of posts we will introduce platform’s features and give basic instructions on how to use them. Let’s begin with API connection — what it is and how to use it on Torex.

In a nutshell, Application Programming Interfaces (API) is a technology allowing to connect different databases located on different servers. In our case API gets the necessary information from crypto exchanges and displays it on Torex Dashboard. Why wouldn’t you go directly to the exchange? Some crypto currency traders work with several exchanges at the same time, so to monitor the situation on each of them trader has to switch between different interfaces, which can greatly reduce his reaction on market fluctuation. Thanks to API connection, Torex trading platform combines all chosen crypto exchanges’ info in one place, making trader’s work way more convenient and efficient.

Before using API-tool in Torex.One, trader should create an API-connection on the crypto exchange he has account on and obtain Public key and Security key. The method to do it depends on the exchange, but most of the them have instructions on how to set an API connection and explanation on what Public and Security keys are. Pay attention that usually API keys are shown on an exchange website only once and you need to save them separately. Once the keys are available, there are few simple steps required by newly registered traders to connect an exchange to Torex Dashboard:

1. Choose the exchange from the drop down list.

2. Enter Public key in the “Access key” field.

3. Enter the Secret key in the “Secret key” field.

4. Choose a name for the API connection.

5. After all settings are completed, press “Add Exchange” button.

All further exchanges can be added by clicking on a plus like button.

Below the Trading View chart there is an area where your trading tasks can be viewed. This trading data is displayed with the help of the extensive infographics. More detailed review on this option will come up in latter posts.

As you can see, usage of API trading tool is quite straightforward process and no technical background is required. If you need any assistance on using this feature or want to know more about Torex.One capabilities, please let us know in our Telegram group or send an e-mail to

You are welcome to create a free account at Torex crypto trading platform.




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