How to use Android ScrollView

Theo Rex
2 min readJan 6, 2024

ScrollView is an important UI concept in Android technology. A ScrollView is a type of layout that is used to display a large amount of content that cannot fit into a single screen. It allows the user to scroll vertically to view all the content. It can hold only one direct child, which could be a layout containing other views.

ScrollView is particularly useful for displaying a large text or image-based content, such as articles, tutorials, or user manuals within an app. It provides a better user experience by allowing users to navigate through the content at their own pace.

To use a ScrollView, you simply wrap the view you want to scroll in a ScrollView tag in the XML layout file. You can also customize the ScrollView by setting attributes such as the scrollbars’ visibility and style. Here is an example of how to use ScrollView in an XML layout file:



<! — Add your views here →



In this example, a LinearLayout is used as the direct child of the ScrollView. You can add your views inside the LinearLayout. The `android:scrollbars=”vertical”` attribute is used to display a vertical scrollbar.

Remember, ScrollView can only hold one direct child. If you need to add multiple views or layouts, you should wrap them in a parent layout like LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, etc.

Also, ScrollView should not be used with ListView or RecyclerView, as they both already have scrolling capabilities built-in. Using ScrollView with these views can lead to unpredictable behavior and poor performance.

In terms of customization, you can control the visibility and style of the scrollbars using the `android:scrollbars`, `android:scrollbarStyle`, `android:scrollbarThumbVertical`, and `android:scrollbarTrackVertical` attributes.

Here is an example of how to customize the scrollbar:



<! — Add your views here →



In this example, `android:scrollbarThumbVertical` is used to change the color of the scrollbar thumb, and `android:scrollbarTrackVertical` is used to change the color of the scrollbar track.

In conclusion, ScrollView is a powerful UI component that can greatly enhance the user experience of your app by allowing users to easily navigate through large amounts of content. However, it should be used wisely and not with views that already have built-in scrolling capabilities.

