The Benefits of Minimalist Living: The Path Towards Happiness, Peace and Freedom

Theo Rex
4 min readMay 22, 2024


In today’s fast-paced society filled with an overflow of material possessions, many are drawn to the mere idea of downsizing, decluttering and living a minimalistic lifestyle; not as an inflexible rule set in stone but as a transformative mindset that can potentially lead to true happiness, deep inner peace and boundless freedom. Is a life less cluttered really a life more fulfilled? We’ll delve deeper into the nitty-gritty of minimalist living and how it might just be the change you need to improve your quality of life.

1. Less is More

“Less is more” has become more than just a slogan, but the crux of minimalist living. The minimalist promotes a lifestyle that is less about material possessions, and more about holistic living — experiences, relationships, and personal development. It acknowledges the diminishing returns of endless consumption — the more we have, the less joyful each additional item becomes. Kansas State University researchers found that those who attach their happiness to material goods, risk higher levels of worry, fear, anger, and material dissatisfaction. Minimalist living, therefore, robustly underscores the significance of quality over quantity in meaningful and satisfying existence.

2. The Liberation of Letting Go

A pivotal part of the minimalist journey is the act of ‘letting go’. Clutter is a physical manifestation of stress, anxiety, and indecisiveness; when we let go of the stuff we don’t necessarily need, we open ourselves up to a life of simplicity and intention, encouraging psychological well-being and emotional health. Removing material clutter has direct benefits on our mental health, as explained by Sherrie Bourg Carter Psy.D. in Psychology Today, “Clutter creates feelings of guilt (‘I should be more organized’) and embarrassment, especially when others unexpectedly drop by our homes or work spaces.”

3. Time and Financial Freedom

By reducing our possessions and consumption, surprisingly, we realize we also free up our time and resources. Less time is spent organizing, cleaning, and maintaining our material possessions, as well as fewer financial commitments for repairs, updates, and replacements. Money being plowed into living a lavish lifestyle could be channeled more beneficially into savings, travel, or other life goals. It’s not about living cheaply, instead, it’s prioritizing monetary value to things that truly make us happy and fulfilled.

4. Improved Decision Making and Focus

The realm of minimalist living beams past tangible possessions; it extends its branches into the quieter parts of our lives, such as commitment-overwhelm, decision fatigue, and lack of focus. Digital minimalist Cal Newport believes that focusing on a small number of important tasks, we can lead a more productive and stress-free life. This principle is so impactful that global companies such as Google have incorporated minimalistic design and ease of use into their workspace design and internal workflows to enhance employees’ focus and productivity.

5. Emphasizing Relationships and Experiences

When materialistic possessions no longer consume our lives, we make space for more meaningful aspects such as nurturing relationships and accumulating rich experiences. In experientialism, shared experiences help develop stronger bonds with family and friends while creating lasting memories. An examination by scholars from the University of Michigan found that experiences bring more joy, not only in anticipation, but keeps us blissful even long after its occurrence.

6. Minimalism and Sustainability

At pivotal times like the present when our global community grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, embracing minimalistic lifestyle possesses a green lure. Lower consumption typically means less waste generated, smaller carbon footprint, lower energy utilization and subsequently, lower impact on Mother Nature. This connection between minimalism and sustainability arguably creates a more viable future for our planet, one less cluttered life at a time.

However, minimized lifestyle does not mean sacrificing personal wants. Instead, it promotes mindful consumption that takes into accounts our needs, wants, and our global responsibilities. It acknowledges the power of choice and freedom that often gets buried in the depths of our cluttered closets and overfilled schedules.

Enter the Minimalist Path!

Utilizing minimalist principles doesn’t necessarily mean losing your treasured possessions, ruthlessly wiping out all your luxurious wan Nellys down to bare essentials. It’s more about achieving balance, finding genuine joy beyond material desires, identifying your true essence beyond stackable goods, transcending the rigmarole of societal expectations, and nurturing a conscious pathway towards inner happiness, peace, and freedom.

“What you do becomes infinitely more important than what you have,” remarked minimalist bloggers The Minimalists. When less becomes more, and possessions no longer encapsulate the entire meaning of life, a life well-lived starts to take on a whole new texture and hue.

Embrace the reality of ‘enough’, of fulfilled longings and know it to foster healing and freedom otherwise strangled in the persistent rat race of more — this can be life-transforming!

The road of minimalist living contributes towards crafting healthy, light and satisfying lives. It offers an attainable liberty that evokes happines guaranteed beyond sunshine or fleeting pleasures, a joy that greets you at the crack of dawn, content in the pure essence of existence, simplified yet immensely broadened — this is the minimalist path.

Embrace the guiding precept of modern folk rock musician Jack Johnson who stated, “It’s as simple as something that nobody knows”. Discover the unadulterated essence of living, insubstantial but present, peaceful but liberating — embark on the journey of minimalist living. The stride of simplicity awaits your journey today!

