101 App Creation

Victoria Archibald
2 min readJan 31, 2018


First steps to creating a revolutional app.

For my first class in online storytelling we were tasked to create an app that could be successful to the public.As a small group Naomi,Harkiran,Patricia and we decided to create an app centered around you going out for drinks in a club on a night out.Everyone i know has had a friend that has either been spiked by someone on a night out or you might that friend in your friendship group that does a runner through the night and you spent a majority of the night. searching for them in the club.

Photo taken by ParampreetChanana,Website taken from Pixabay.Licensed by Creative Commons.

However this now no longer will happen as the app will allow people to track your friends throughout the club with closer directions to where they are.When you are in close proximity of your friend your phone will buzz and their phone will buzz.This app can be used without having your location services on and just needs you and your friends to sinc up their phones together.

Photo taken by Bruce Turner,Website from Flickr.Licensed by CreativeCommons.

Some of the other services the app offers is a scanner for checking to see if anything has been put in your drink through taking a photo of your drink and the symptoms,treatments and ways to keep calm if you are spiked.There is also food places,taxi companies and a drunk text barrier that won’t allow you to text your friends and people on your contact list for twenty four hours.The app will be in partnership with a variety of clubs located in the uk.Although we are looking to expand internationally if the app takes off.We will offer a variety of discounts to the people who use our app and advertise the clubs extensively on our app.

The app will target an audience between the age of eighteen to thirty five and be avaliable on android and on apple phones.It will be revolutionary to the young people.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie