Can People Really Be Fooled?

Victoria Archibald
2 min readMar 15, 2018


The Putting Together Of Our Online Story.

The AAA image source unknown,licensed by Creative Commons.

For the second week of my group creating an online story that was not real, i decided to focus more on the task.My role is to run the Instagram for the company that is non-existent.I worked out that I was going to have to follow a lot of different health and fitness people as well as people who worked in professions such as pharmaceuticals.I knew that by following these certain brands and companies it would make the company be more believable and it would also allow us to capture an audience on instagram.In return this would make us more popular.

I also chose to use a fake competition to attract people into the brand and for them to check them out without realising the company was about pills.By creating a fake getaway competition to London with spending money of £500 it allowed people to want to keep track of the page.It also created more of an illusion that we were London based.Furthermore,i chose for the other posts that i would thank the “brand ambassadors” I purposely choose them to be good looking people and people who were either in a club or a bar to create the illusion that we were a company that worked with promoters of bars and clubs.

Photo taken from Flickr taken by Victor.Licensed by Creative Commons.

In forecoming posts i plan to tie in the story of our character by showing his face throughout the instagram feed and to also promote him as a new brand ambassador.I will also slowly start to promote the pills throughout the page more with their amazing effects to helping enchance your brain power.At the end of this task i will show a different brand ambassadors as the pills will have negatively effected our main characters lifestyle and his health.

I want to do it this way to show how companies can easily deal with side effects of a product.For example they normally would be faced with a law suit but because they already make so much money then it would be nothing compared to the money from the product.This means that it could easily be brushed away without anyone ever knowing.They would also choose a new brand ambassdor so that no suspicion was raised.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie