Lets Mix It Up

Victoria Archibald
2 min readFeb 10, 2018


This Weeks Progress Of App Creating

Unfortunately for the second session of the app creation process, I was filming with Trylife for over a week.Trylife is an interactive drama where you get to make the decisions of the story and decide how it ends.I was working on episode 4 of the series which has yet to be announced and should be announced in coming weeks if not months.However, My group for the app creation process Naomi, Harkiran and Pat filled me in on everything that happened that week.

Photo of Trylife taken from Trylife website,Licensed by Creative Commons.

For further progress on our app,We started working harder on getting our main name decided.We decided between names such as Gin and Tonic, Tequila, Remedy and Schnapps as well as other names more relevant to night clubs like night out.We finally settled on the name Mixer as because our app is mainly centred around spiking we wanted it to be something that tied that in.Mixer represents when someone could possibly mix something into your drink on a night out with you being completely unaware of it.We also decided to choose a drink name as we wanted to make it relevant to our audience of the age 18–30.

Photo taken from Pexels,Edited by Victoria Archibald.Licensed by Creative Commons.

Some other finishing touches we made to our app was on how you would find your friends in the club.We finally decided that the listing would be in the form of squares and the friend’s picture would move in the app.A little bit like Bitemjois in snapchat.We also looked into our competitors Nightlife and DrinkAdvisor:Nightlife Guide,We found that although these apps were similar in allowing you to connect with your friends our app stood out more because of the feature of it being able to check for spiking and also for it to be more tailored to be for people of our age.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie