Looking Professional

Victoria Archibald
2 min readMar 21, 2018


Marketing Yourself Through Social Media

For the next task for my Online Storytelling class we were tasked with partnering up with someone in the class and writing a proffesional bio for them that they could use across mutiple platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.This bio would help employers gain more of an opinion about them because they can learn about their personality and what their skills are that would be useful to the employer.To focus on what i could write about my partner Naomi i looked into her strengths ,interests and her personality.

Photo taken of Naomi’s Twitter,screenshotted by Victoria Archibald.Licensed By Creative Commons.

From talking to Naomi I learned that she was orginally from sheffield and is studying media and marketing as she hopes to work in the public relations sector one day.I found out that Naomi is very hard working as she juggles having a job with university and can work as part of a team or become a leader of a team as demostarted with her position as a flyer on the leeds trinity university cheerleading team.

Leeds Trinity University Titans taken from facebook,licensed by Creative Commons.

I wanted the posts to show how hard working she was so i would have got her to share some of the work she has done on twitter and for her to repost quotes by inspirational people to show how motivated she is.Naomi also is very determined in what she does,this means that when she sets her mind to do something she will do it and finish without quitting which is evident when she had thoughts of quitting the cheerleading team.However,she didn’t quit the team which led them to coming in a cheerleading competition.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie