Power Of Social Media

Victoria Archibald
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Telling A Story Through Social Media.

Photo from Flickr,taken by Marc Nozell and licensed by Creative Commons.

For our second group project we have been tasked with creating a character on social media that was not real and to create a back story for that character that would could play out on various social media platforms such as Instagram.We choose to create a character that was from a small town who had moved to london for university on a scholarship that the university gave to him.

Our character then becomes involved with our main organisation that we created called the AAA.The AAA stands for Accomplish All Activities.The organisation is an organisation that has created a pill that allows you to access different parts of your mind and gives you more of an enhanced life.Our character becomes involved with the company through a recent break up that he has had which made him more vunerable to the lifestyle that is around him.

Our brand logo for the company AAA.Licensed by Creative Commons.

To bring our story of our character to life we decided to assign each os us roles which would allow each of us to control a certain platform that would allow us to bring our character and our company to life.The platforms that we decided we wanted to focus on were Facebook,Instagram and Tumblr.I was tasked with running the companies instagram page to attract more people to the facebook page of the company.From the plan and the ideas that we had for our project i already knew it was going to be a success and believable to the variety of people that we were trying to make believe it was real.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie