Teamwork Is The Dreamwork

Victoria Archibald
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Our App Survived.

Photo taken from Flickr,taken by US Army Africa and licensed by Creative Commons.

When we first started thinking of ideas that we would like to create for our App we knew we wanted it to be something that we and the people around us have had experience of or are experiencing in our age group. We set the age range for our app at being between 18–30 with a prime target audience being university students. Our app after much deliberation between names such as gin and tonic, tequila and punch finally settled on the name mixer with our group being called the Mixers.

Our app is designed to help people find their friends on a drunken night out but most importantly to check for spiking in you or your friend’s drink. The app was also show how to overcome your symptoms if you have been spiked we felt this was important as each one of knew someone or multiple people that have been spiked on a night out.

Photo taken from Pexels,taken by kaboompics and licensed by Creative Commons.

As a group, I feel we worked well together as we all loved the idea we are working on which meant that we were all invested in working more on the idea. However, because I missed a week I feel I gave my group more work to do and I am very much appreciative for them catching me up. I helped design the main image and worked on the colour scheme for the project as well as the initial ideas that the whole group worked on and the names. Overall, I would work with the group again as everyone worked hard together and we all got along. Our idea also was unlike other ideas and I felt like it was a success.



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie