The Turbulation Of Mistakes

Victoria Archibald
3 min readJan 25, 2018


Reflection of the things I learned last year and what I would do to change them.

On my first semester at Leeds Trinity University last year I learned a lot about the things I should change about myself and about my lifestyle.Firstly, I want to talk about all the things that i would change in classes.Upon reflection, I think I should have tried harder to stay more focused on those classes that just feel like they drag on forever and maybe try harder to keep better track of the hand in dates well advance.But we all do that right?

Photo from pexels taken by picjumbo.Licensed by Creativecommons

I also learned the importance of consistency, with my blog posts and my Twitter feed as it allowed me to keep my Klout score up which in turn gave more content to my twitter feed. In this coming year, I will be more consistent in life as it will allow me to build on the platforms that i have created to help me learn more about social media and the tools i need to build a successful platform.Also for the coming year if i do any more blog posts on Medium I want the header image theme to be the same as the previous ones that I have posted as I think it makes the blog posts I have created have a cleaner finish to them.Also if I had used Grammarly more and have someone check my work there would be far fewer mistakes and possibly my work would turn out a lot better.

Photo taken by Victoria Archibald at The Key Club.Licensed by CreativeCommons.

On a more personal note, i have learned that when it comes to friendships it never hurts to meet new people and put yourself out there so that more people can get to know you know.I believe that university is the perfect time to meet those friends that will be friends for the rest of your life.However, on the downside of this from living in a flat with eight different people I have learned that you cant get be friends with everyone, especially boys.(There messy and laziness being a whole different story).

To sum this blog post up, I have the feeling that this year is going to be a good year.Mistakes and regrets happen to everyone every year.I am constantly learning to fix the things that are fixable now and not to worry about the things that I cannot change such as the grades I got on previous assignments.Lastly, all I have to add is what would you do differently if you could go back to last year?



Victoria Archibald

Media & Marketing student //movies // music // travel junkie