How I Unblocked My Fallopian Tubes Naturally

Victoria Grant
6 min readJan 3, 2020


If you want to find out the exact methods that I used to unblock my fallopian tubes naturally then please read on.

I write this article in the hope that the information provided may be of use to even one person and that my success in becoming pregnant by overcoming some infertility issues naturally may one day be your success too.

If you or anyone you know are trying to have a baby and believe or know that you have one or two blocked fallopian tubes, this article is for you.

For those of you reading this who have been trying to get pregnant but have been unsuccessful to date, I know from personal experience that this is a very sensitive topic and one that is sometimes not spoken about nearly as much as it should be, maybe due to the deep-felt emotions that can go along with this seemingly uphill journey.

But alas do not fear, I am here to remind you that there is hope and that no matter what stage of family planning you are currently at if you have a strong faith and believe that you are supposed to be a loving parent someday then stay positive and keep visualizing yourself and your beautiful baby.

Now I know that there are many options available for women who wish to conceive today and scientifically speaking medicine has indeed come a long way in making this a reality for lots of couples worldwide. I am not against modern-day medicine however I am a true advocate for natural healing.

I, therefore, encourage you to become a student of pre-pregnancy and to find all of the information you need relating to this matter. That way you can make an informed decision going forward, as only you know what is right for your body and your family.

Before I share my secret on how I managed to unblock my fallopian tubes naturally I wanted to first give you a brief back story.

I was born with a rare case of exomphalos, and between 1972 and 1984 there were only 35 cases of this type of defect recorded in England and Wales and the survival rate for babies at that time was quite poor.

For those of you who don’t know Exomphalos is a type of abdominal wall defect on the babies that occurs during pregnancy inside the mother’s womb. As a result, the baby’s stomach doesn’t fully form or close before the baby’s birth. What this meant for me is that as soon as I was born I was rushed into surgery and then kept in hospital for the first 6 months of my life.

I survived several surgeries thereafter however these early procedures left scarring on my abdomen. Luckily I was a fighter and managed to have a normal childhood with no further issues.

When I became a teenager I remember just looking down at my scars one day and thinking that I may never be able to have a baby, It literally dawned on me that the part of my body that had been made to hold and build a baby was probably destroyed.

This was heart-wrenching as I always knew that I wanted to be a mum someday.

So I carried on into my 20s and then early 30s, never being pregnant while watching other mums around me easily having children. I decided at that point that I was satisfied no matter what happened and that if I really wanted to explore my options then I could do so in the future.

I was single for a while and when I met someone I was 37. He had 2 Children already and we decided to get serious. I told him about wanting children and although I didn’t want to rush him into family planning with me straight away at the age of 37 I felt as though my biological clock was ticking and I just wanted to find out what was going on with my body.

So after dating him for around 8 months, I asked him if he wouldn’t mind helping me out by having his sperm checked out. ‘This was the only way that the NHS would agree with arranging for my tests.’ He agreed and booked in a doctor’s appointment.

At the same time as all of this was going on I was researching how to get pregnant naturally. I knew that from previous tests I had a few small fibroids however I was convinced that the scars on my abdomen from the early operations were pushing down on my fallopian tubes. It seemed like the most practical answer so I narrowed my research to try to find out how to get rid of scar tissue naturally. And that is when I discovered serrapeptase.

Serrapeptase is an enzyme taken from the silkworm. The silkworm is known for eating dead scar tissue without affecting the live tissue. So I researched more into the benefits of serrapeptase and found that I could order these in the form of capsule pills straight from Amazon.

As well as this it was recommended that I take the Chinese root Dong Quai again in the form of a pill as they help in balancing a woman’s hormones. I ordered these from Amazon also.

When the pills came instead of taking the recommended dose I took much less ‘due to my forgetful nature’ when it comes to taking medicine.

Another thing I did was to massage my stomach with castor oil as and when I felt like it and meditated while sending positive and loving vibes to my womb.

One afternoon as I was sitting on my bed I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It was nothing like I had ever felt before and as I sat there I breathed deeply and just smiled. I knew that it was the fallopian tube releasing, and that was that. Around two months after I found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant.

My healthy happy & very beautiful daughter was born 9 months later and I couldn’t be a happier mummy.

If you want better you must become better

I understand that we are all different and I can’t promise that what worked for me will definitely work for you, and I must also be honest and add in that I completely changed my lifestyle around about 3 years before actually getting pregnant.

I knew that if I wanted better for myself in any area of my life then I would have to first become better. It’s so easy to blame other people, circumstances or even the environment for your current situation but when you do that you give away your power.

The only one responsible for your life is you. And you must be willing to put in some work as a proof to God and the Universe that you actually deserve the blessings that you’re praying for.

I had to break out of old ways of thinking and give up harmful habits that were no longer serving me to prepare myself to be a parent. So I dedicated the 3 years prior to my pregnancy for personal growth, learning patience and mastering true faith.

‘Maybe there are things in your life that you need to surrender or even sacrifice to unblock your blessings.’ Whether it’s giving up smoking, starting your business, or embarking on that health journey, STOP procrastinating you can do it!

I created vision boards and placed pictures of my daughter on them years before she had manifested into the physical world. And when I look at those pictures now it is actually scary how similar my daughter actually looks to the visions that I had of her.

The Universe and The Creator God is infinite love and potential and what you believe you receive. So believe that greatness is within you, believe that you are worthy of the life of your dreams and don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

There are people walking this earth today that have naturally cured themselves of many different diseases and so-called conditions and it’s because they have worked out how to use the Mind in its most powerful way. Which is to focus on things you want to receive and nothing else. Be it health, wealth, peace of mind, etcetera. And you have the same power available within you.

So work on being the best possible version of yourself and stay convicted in creating the life of your dreams. Good luck on your journey.

I pray that you meet your beautiful baby real soon.

Until Next Time,

Your Friend Victoria Grant

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Victoria Grant

Victoria Grant is a UK born Personal Development Coach, published Author a loving mother and entrepreneur. Passionate about uplifting women worldwide.