Short Story — The Ghost in the Woods

Victoria Hydes
3 min readJun 8, 2023

I gazed up at the night sky, admiring the scattering of stars above me. It was a particularly still night, barely a rustle to be heard from the copse of thick pines surrounding me. I took a deep breath in, allowing myself to relax for what felt like the first time in forever. The dangerous part was out of the way and — judging by the lack of pursuers following my trail — I’d got away unscathed and free from suspicion. I turned over the large wad of cash in my hand, taking care not to disturb the ring I’d concealed within it for safe keeping as I fled the scene of my latest crime.

This was a good night. All was well.

I stopped abruptly in my tracks as a sharp shiver shot down my spine, and a light haze blanketed the sky, fading the once such dazzling stars to near nothingness. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but the way my breath hitched my stomach sank told me I was no longer alone. The mist thickened, forcing me to squint to even see my hands in front of my face. Then, a shadow, growing larger and more clearly into focus with each passing second until it stopped, mere paces ahead of me.

In my head I was screaming, demanding to know who was there and what they wanted, but for possibly the first time in my life, I was completely speechless. We stood facing one another in total silence for several more moments, until the…



Victoria Hydes

Medical administrator with a past in journalism and marketing, who dreams of publishing her own novel someday. Has a passion for writing and travel 💚