Male Breast Reduction

Toronto Gynecomastia
3 min readSep 19, 2023

Preparing For Surgery: Top Questions To Ask Your Gynecomastia Surgeon

Prepare for gynecomastia surgery like a pro! Discover the key questions to ask the Best gynecomastia surgeon, ensuring a safe and informed path to your desired results.

Gynecomastia affects many men and can be quite a source of embarrassment and discomfort. Surgery is a popular and effective way to reduce the size of breast tissue in men.

However, before undergoing surgery, it is vital to make sure you are fully prepared and informed. This post will review the top questions to ask your gynecomastia surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome.

1. Which Grade Of Gynecomastia Surgery Will You Perform?

Gynecomastia can be classified into different grades based on the extent of breast tissue enlargement and sagging.

It’s important to ask your surgeon which Grade gynecomastia surgery they recommend for your specific condition.

Understanding the grade will give you insights into the complexity of the procedure and the expected results.

2. Am I A Suitable Candidate For Surgery?

Only some people with gynecomastia are suitable candidates for surgery. Ask your surgeon about the criteria that make you an ideal candidate. Factors like your overall health, age, and the severity of your condition will be considered.

3. What Are The Risks And Complications?

All surgeries come with potential risks and complications. Your surgeon should provide you with a detailed list of these risks and information on how they plan to minimize them during the procedure. Understanding the potential drawbacks will help you make an informed decision.

4. How Should I Prepare For Surgery?

Preparing for gynecomastia surgery involves several steps. Ask your Best gynecomastia surgeon Toronto for a pre-surgery checklist that outlines what you need to do in the weeks leading up to the procedure. This may include dietary restrictions, medications to avoid, and lifestyle adjustments.

5. What Results Can I Expect?

While gynecomastia surgery can provide excellent results, it’s essential to have realistic expectations.

Ask your surgeon about the typical outcomes for patients with similar conditions. They should also discuss any potential scarring and the recovery process.

6. What Is The Recovery Process?

Recovery after Male breast reduction surgery is a crucial aspect of the procedure. Inquire about the expected downtime, post-operative care instructions, and any restrictions on activities during the recovery period. Knowing what to expect can help you plan accordingly.

7. How Much Does The Surgery Cost?

Discuss the Gynecomastia surgery Toronto price with your gynecomastia surgeon, including any associated fees for anesthesia, facility use, and follow-up appointments. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of the procedure.


Gynecomastia can be a source of insecurity and discomfort for many men. Surgery is an effective way to reduce the size of breast tissue, but it is important to understand all aspects of the procedure before proceeding.

By asking your gynecomastia surgeon about the risks, results, and recovery process, you can ensure you are as prepared as possible and make an informed decision.

If you are considering gynecomastia surgery, contact Dr. Tutino for more information and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons.

Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the best results so that you can move forward feeling confident and secure in your skin.

Contact us today to find out how we can help!



Toronto Gynecomastia

Dr. Tutino is a first-generation Canadian, born and raised in Montreal to parents of Italian descent.