How YOU can run a marathon

How I created a marathon training plan for beginners. I’m not a qualified running coach or professional runner. I finished an Ironman (which includes a Marathon) at the age of 19, in a respectable time.

Andre Abreu
8 min readJul 31, 2018
Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash

Disclaimer: you don’t have to pay for a coach, you don’t need a ridiculously strict nutrition plan, you don’t need to be a specific weight or age and you don’t need to follow a training plan to run a Marathon.

Now, I am going to kind of give you a training plan but I’l explain that later. My point with this is that I believe that anyone, and I mean anyone can run a marathon. I believe that whole heartedly. I hate running yet because I told myself I would do so by the age 20, I did run a marathon when I was 19 years old. We’re not anymore in the Era where people used to say “I know someone who ran a marathon”, we’re in an Era that should start saying things like “when I ran a marathon”.

The secret ingredient? You have to want it. That’s it.

By the way, technically, if you wanted, you could walk a whole marathon. It still counts.
As long as you’re within the official time limit of the race (usually 6 hours), you could indeed walk it. And if you did it on…



Andre Abreu

Designer and cyclist. Content creator. Founder of Kingdom. Life student.