Polygon x Totem

Totem announces strategic partnership with Polygon Studios



A New Age

The new internet is here. A domain where collective ownership is the key to building a web that serves all Citizens. In the transition to Web3, Totem is your dashboard of web3 tools & your gateway into the metaverse.

With a strong core team surrounded by experienced advisors and partners who share a vision for the future of humanity and the planet. We are a collective with a passion for, and expertise in building TeK* on the blockchain.

Using a curated set of tools, Totem OS is your guide to unlocking the possibilities of Web3.

Through this web operating system, Totem OS aims to provide tools and incentives for us to grow & evolve. Paving new ways for our communities and each individual Citizen to expand and experience.

With this strategic partnership with Polygon and Polygon studios, a new age has begun.

Every individual has the power to impact the fate of the Earth.

The Digital Alliance

We have chosen Polygon Studios as a strategic partner, and their founders and executive teams have become dear friends and mentors to us.

“As we charter new territories and unveil new paradigms of ‘TeK,’ it is invaluable to be working with such a driven team of innovators and solution builders.”

Daniel Hanks, CEO of Totem.

Totem honors and applauds what Polygon has created, genuine utility, and collaboration within the field. The team has been supportive since the start of Totem’s vision.

Shreyansh Singh, Head of Partnerships at Polygon, met Daniel Hanks, Totem’s Chief Executive, on the basis of launching a potential NFT token at the start of Obtainable’s release. After some time, Daniel thought it was clear that the space didn’t need another ‘NFT rewards token’.

After presenting the idea to Shreyansh, of what the Totem founders have been dreaming up for the last half decade, an interoperable Web3 & Metaverse Ecosystem [Totem] with a token to unlock powerful tools and community offerings [Citizen]. Shreyansh quickly showed this plan to Sandeep (Polygon’s cofounder), and the partnership between Totem and Polygon began!

“We are excited to work with Totem as they bring a new set of tools to the web 3 space. It’s intriguing to see what else they’ll come up with.”

Shreyansh Singh, CEO of Polygon Studios

Totem is proud to stand beside Polygon in the race for an interoperable and open metaverse that is both equitable and effective for all people here on Earth.

“The Metaverse is producing so many unique projects and Totem is one that really stands out. It’s great to see them building on Polygon.”

Sandeep Nailwail, Cofounder of Polygon Studios

About Totem OS

Totem is building New Earth Systems by forging Web3 tools and communities into a single OS. Your totem is your identity, dashboard & toolset, placed within a unified and curated interface. Totem provides Web3 tools, NFT gated communities, and more, all in one place, to bring real-world utility to Totem’s Citizens as we reveal and enjoy the open metaverse. $CTZN will be the preferred and interoperable token used across the entire Totem Ecosystem, bringing simple solutions for spending, staking and voting.

Tools for all Citizens

The new internet is here. A domain where collective ownership is key to build a web that serves all Citizens. In the transition to Web3, Totem is your gateway into the metaverse. With a strong core team, surrounded by experienced advisors and partners who share a vision for the future of humanity and the planet. Using a curated set of tools, Totem OS is your guide to open up the possibilities of Web3.0 and the evolution and growth of yourself through these assets.


XOiDs will claim your space in Axis 001, opening the doors to new possibilities. It’s a profile photo and verifiable identity that acts as your key to events and your voice in the community. A flagship project to unlock the digital universe. By obtaining a XOiD avatar, you will gain access to tools and rewards just by using and interacting with our operating system.


LOGOS is Axis 002 (drop date TBA), our tool to the world’s first fully sustainable, eco-friendly blockchain for gold. The Logos coins hold an intrinsic value through the physical and the digital, using forging TeK to verify value, provenance, and access. We are creating a new gold standard that will come to life through the integral use of the blockchain and a transparent tracking system for our supply chains. Adding off-chain and on-chain value to digital assets.


Obtainable is our tool to streamline the acquisition and sharing of authentic, high-grade, and high-utility NFT artifacts. Specializes in physically obtainable, access granting, and gamified mechanics within each reveal.

Totem’s dashboard and AXIS framework will allow for any dApp, platform, artist / influencer community, shop, and more, to integrate and upgrade with our additional tabs and tools. Your favorite NFT marketplace can now be equipped with a ready made community tab, a DAO, XR, etc.

We are building a metaverse, one microverse at a time.

The $CTZN Token

As a metaverse and Web3 toolset, it’s in the nature of the platform that there are countless utilities of $CTZN. You will need this token to fluidly navigate the ecosystem, utilize the tools to their fullest extent and participate in Totem’s exclusive communities and offerings.


There are many staking incentives beyond earning a % yield.

  • Access
  • Impact
  • NFTs
  • Governance


Whether in the NFT marketplace, and AXIS, the XR world, or through tools hosted in the dashboard, there are many ways to use $CTZN in Totem’s ecosystem. In addition to these functions, we have included burning and wrapping mechanisms in our token for optionality as our ecosystem grows. Generally speaking, value is accrued through usage of the toolset — the more users, the more partnerships, the more $CTZN locked and exchanged, and the more fees gathered.

$CTZN will be the preferred and interoperable token used across the entire Totem ecosystem, bringing consumer-friendly solutions to staking, spending, access, and more as we create dynamic use-cases with recognized talent & artists to act as a conduit between humans and the blockchain.


A new dimension of tools for digital ecosystems to optimize as we enter into Web3.

Axis is a composable community framework (social sandbox) and a space for both on-chain and off-chain activities. It’s a social sandbox that serves as a key to open the digital treasure trove of resources.

There will be an expansive array of tools, for example, virtual resources that will reward the community with real-world artifacts. Gain access to specific community exclusive events, DAO, resources, unique tools, and beta to the XR metaverse, starting with our in-house Axis tools.

Why Polygon?

Polygon has guided and helped us understand how to build a thriving, sustainable multi-chain ecosystem. At the beginning of development in early 2021, we worked closely with Polygon leaders Shreyansh Singh and Sandeep Nailwal including fundraising, tokenomics, and utility. The Polygon team creates introductions to key players and provides a deep insight into the industry.

Polygon envisions an open, borderless world. A world in which people and machines collaborate and exchange value globally and freely, without gatekeepers or intermediaries.

A world in which communities thrive, unconstrained by artificial borders and archaic regulations.

We invite you to join us here in building the New Earth Systems & revealing the Metaverse together.

*tek = how we say tech, stands for ‘The Earth is our Kingdom,’ sounds like the ticking of a clock, reminding us the future, an eco-future, is coming faster than we think!

