#OS #Web3 #Blockchain #Builttogether


Totem community member sells one of his XOiDs, uses gains to pursue his dreams.

3 min readMar 13, 2022

With the dream of the metaverse becoming the next undeniable step on our path towards technological evolution, the overall growth of this space is projected to become an $800 billion market in the coming years. In light of this expanding world, many individuals are looking for ways to get involved and capture a slice of the market opportunity. However, it can be hard to know where to even start with so much noise, time-consuming projects, and confusion.

Totem has been a home base for people navigating web3, with a strong community of individuals that support each other’s dreams. Individualism was more important than collectivism in achieving financial success in the past. Now, as Totem thrives, the community does as well.

At the end of February, a community member who goes by the online name of Animbuscloud.eth woke up to an offer placed on his XOiD for 6.5 ETH, which at the time of sale was $15,027.51 and now is worth almost $17k. An asset that he bought a couple months before grew in value by more than $15k. Animbuscloud.eth says:

“My overall goal from NFTs has been to give myself some financial freedom. More importantly, how I intend to use that so-called freedom.”

Financial freedom can typically be taboo; everyone wants it, but not everyone knows how to get it, and once you do have it, what are you going to do with it?

He plans on pursuing his dreams with this money, returning to his roots, and helping his loved ones achieve their goals too. Animbuscloud.eth will spend more time outdoors, learning, studying avalanche safety courses, and getting to know the territory/terrain surrounding him in a more profound way. All of this is possible thanks to investing early in a project he believed in, with the support of a community who believes in him and his dreams.

“In case you thought NFTs were just some BS, they aren’t. I’m thinking of taking one of my first large profits to help pay off some bills and to propel my dreams,” said Animbuscloud.eth. And that’s precisely what he did.

With every opportunity in life, there is an inherent risk that needs to be taken and weighted, but with that risk comes the belief that our life can be improved. Against our better judgment, it is human nature to explore new avenues on a path towards freedom, financially or otherwise. When cryptocurrency was first developed, many people only had the dream that this space would be as monumental as it is today. As we now enter into the space of exponential growth in web3, the possibilities are endless. Totem represents the potential of NFT’s and cryptocurrency while giving a platform to build on these pre-existing systems. Totem is striving to develop a friendship amongst the users, where you can take the leap into this new space and be taught and supported along the way.

Sneak peak of upcoming TotemOS updates

There are new ways to achieve financial freedom in this changing world, and you don’t have to do it alone. Buy a XOiD to join the conversation in Discord as a holder and owner of your digital and personal sovereignty. According to our roadmap, we’re still early.

