Expert Advice and a 15-Day Diet Plan on How to Lose 10 kg Weight in 15 Days

3 min readMay 12, 2022


Weight Loss: If you’re attempting to reduce weight gained over the holidays, get back into your summer bathing suit, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, you know it’s a chore that requires time and patience. To remove those extra pounds, we’ve all tried a variety of diets and fitness methods. While some people have achieved their goals by taking extreme methods, others have fought and battled until they have given up hope. The truth is that reducing weight is simple, but only when done correctly. You can’t give up in the middle due to a lack of immediate results. So here are my top ten tips for achieving your goals.

1. Workout first thing in the morning

Set your alarm for 20 minutes earlier in the morning and do your workout first thing. According to studies, those who exercise first thing in the morning are leaner and healthier than those who exercise later in the day. Exercise in the morning can help you carry the feel-good hormones and vitality throughout the day.

2. Ignore the Scale

Don’t weigh oneself every day; it can cause unnecessary anxiety and demotivation. The scale can also be misleading because it ignores the fact that you may be gaining muscle mass. Once a week, ideally in the morning, weigh yourself.

3. Bring Your Own Food

When I counsel with clients, I find that their main meals are well-managed, but snacking is an area where the majority of them overeat and jeopardise their weight reduction. Packing your own snack for work or on the run is a terrific idea. Prepare small packets of nuts, seeds, fruits, plain yoghurt, chaach, sprouts, dark chocolate, chilla, and paneer or cheese cubes.

4. Consume an apple

This is my personal favourite, and I tell most of my customers about it “Consume an apple or visualise one. You are not hungry, but bored, if you are not hungry enough to devour an entire apple “. Participate in enjoyable pastimes or hobbies such as singing, reading, or whatever you enjoy. It might be highly demanding on your weight loss efforts to constantly think about eating.

5. Make an effort to eat meals at home.

Try to eat as many meals as possible at home for the next 10 days. This provides you complete control over the elements in your food, such as sugar, fat, oil, and salt. You’ll be shocked at how quickly you drop all that extra weight by simply doing this.

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