the future of descentralized money transfer, payments and investment

Toto Prayogo
4 min readFeb 27, 2019

The ORBIS system can provide this on a 24-hour basis, either online or in-person at an ORBIS branch. This will allow everyone to access the benefits that cryptocurrencies provide them, including low transaction costs, no-limit transactions, fast payment, and the removal of geopolitical barriers to payment. Approximately 4 million people are using cryptocurrencies on a daily basis, with that number growing every day and expected to exceed 300 million by the year 2030. Satisfying this market is quite possibly the largest financial opportunity in the last several decades

Vision and mission:

ORBIS seeks to bridge the gap, too. We currently aim to provide financial access to 3 million unbanked persons across Latin America, Africa, and Asia by 2020 through partnerships with banks. Our self-service platform will provide an accessible solution to these people and allow them their first opportunity to unlock the opportunities that finance grants them. These opportunities will include debit card ownership, smartphones with ORBIS payment apps, and QR and barcode scanning. We see this as a better opportunity for the unbanked than what will be offered to them by existing financial institutions, which are prone to human error and can be both time-consuming and burdensome. ORBIS offers solutions which are cutting-edge by today’s standards, so these newly banked people won’t be playing catch-up. Safe and limitless transfers, fraud prevention, fast transactions, and much more will all be built into the system, from ORBIS branches to VR chat robots.

Advantage of Orbis:

We are actively working to promote this technology through our ORBIS branch system, including access to mobile payments and no-fee money transfers between 3 billion+ people, unfettered by high costs, time-consuming methods, human errors, or service downtime. We would be providing an unprecedented system that offers faster, cheaper, safer, and more reliable service than any of our competitors.

Orbis Platform:

Orbis customers will be able to save their money, transfer their funds, invest, and receive credit or funding for their businesses all with a simple click of a button or tap of a screen. In some cases, there may be customers who could misunderstand or have questions about the platform. They will have the option at all times to speak with a AI VR customer service chat robot. This software will be available on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices of all kind. There will be step-by-step usage instructions for each platform.

  • Orbis Wallet
    Like other cryptocurrencies, ORBS will be stored in an digital wallet. Our wallets will be built-in our platform, where customers will be given the opportunity to save, transfer, and invest their tokens worldwide at the lowest exchange rates. Orbis wallet will offer the most simplistic user friendly design so it can be used by clients from all types of ages. The wallet will include an Transfer token account, an Investment token Account, an IBAN Fiat currencies Account and an Savings Account.
  • Orbis Exchange
    Orbis decentralized exchange platform will be used only to purchase and sell Orbiscoins and exchange them to all fiat money currencies. Being a peer-to-peer system, the transactions will be done almost instantly (with the best deal exchange on the market) to any bank account or Orbis Wallet.
  • Orbis Coin
    ORBIS token is created in a limited supply of 8000.000.000.000 tokens which price will start at $0.50. ORBS token will be used to transfer funds safely not causing customers any money lose. ORBISInvest Token is created in a limited supply of 80.000.000 tokens at a releasing price of $0.50. ORBSi token will be used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors mostly to hold and earn from the coin appreciation on the cryptocurrency market.

About Ico:

In the Pre-ICO stage (from 16th to 30th of April) we are offering a 50% bonus for all the buyers. Our team aims to release the platform by 10th of May 2018; however, we will be releasing 50,000,000 tokens in advance of its launch, with the starting price of $0.5 U.S. dollars. If the minimal capital target will not be achieved all funds will be returned to buyers accounts/wallets.



For more information please visit Project by this links :

Website: https://orbistransfer.com/
Whitepapper: https://orbistransfer.com/downloads/Orbis-White-Paper-2.pdf
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/OrbisToken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrbisToken
Telegram: https://t.me/orbisgroup
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3844192.0

Created by:

Username bitcointalk : totoprayogo
Link profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1736270
Ethereum Wallet Address : 0xbbaf4608d26483e6457b245a860db590340f89a2

