How To Get 1000 Subscribers On Youtube in 2024

John Luis
5 min readNov 17, 2023


Getting your first 1000 YouTube subscribers seems tough, but it’s totally doable if you follow the right game plan. With over 2 billion monthly users, YouTube offers huge potential to build an audience. In this post, I’ll share easy tips to gain 1000 YouTube subscribers in 2023.

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Reaching 1000 subscribers is a big deal for any new YouTube creator. It shows people dig your videos, you’re building a community, and you’re on the path to YouTube success. With 1000 loyal fans, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and start earning money from ads on your channel. Sweet!

How Long Does it Take to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube?

The time it takes to hit 1000 subs depends on a bunch of factors — like how often you upload, video quality, promotions, and more. On average, most channels take 6–12 months of regular posting to reach 1000 subscribers. However, you can get there way faster by optimizing your content and marketing.

For a brand new channel starting today, a realistic goal is getting 1000 subscribers within a year — 365 days. With grit and the right strategy, you can make it in less time. Popular YouTubers like MrBeast gained 1000 subscribers in just a month — but that kind of crazy growth is rare.

10 Steps to Get Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers

Follow these proven tips to start growing your subscriber count:

1. Create a YouTube Channel

The first step is setting up your YouTube channel. Come up with a name, branding, and content focus. Make an eye-catching channel icon and art. Write an engaging channel description. This helps viewers quickly understand your channel’s purpose.

2. Set Up Your Channel Homepage

Organize your channel homepage neatly. Create playlists around topics and add section cards like ‘Popular Videos’ and ‘Play All’. Make a great channel trailer video that captures your brand. A polished homepage encourages viewers to subscribe.

3. Make Videos Consistently

Uploading new videos regularly is key to gaining subscribers. Create and share 1–2 videos weekly to build an audience. Short videos like 60 seconds shorts can be made daily. Schedule videos in advance for consistent output.

4. Optimize Your Videos

Create clickable titles using keywords people search for. Write detailed descriptions mentioning the topic. Make custom thumbnails that stand out. Add your best content in the first 30 seconds. Promote videos in the end screen. This optimization converts viewers into subscribers.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Reply to all comments, ask viewers questions, thank new subscribers. Building connections with viewers makes them more likely to subscribe and watch more. Turn viewers into fans.

6. Promote Your Videos

Share new videos on social media to drive views. Ask friends and family to subscribe. Use YouTube cards and community posts. Collaborate with relevant creators. Promoting your content is essential to get discovered.

7. Analyze Your YouTube Analytics

Study your channel analytics to see what content works best. Find out top traffic sources, audience demographics, popular videos, etc. Use these insights to make data-driven decisions to attract more subscribers.

8. Make Search Friendly Videos

Use popular keywords in titles and descriptions so videos appear in search results. Creating content around trending topics and questions also boosts discovery. YouTube’s algorithm recommends search-optimized videos to more viewers.

9. Create Different Types of Videos

Have a mix of videos like tutorial, list, how-to, shorts, vlog and more. Catering to different viewer needs and interests will help increase overall subscribers. Provide variety and value.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Gaining 1000 subscribers takes time and effort. But if you stay committed to a regular upload schedule, keep improving videos, and promoting them the right way — you’ll get there. Keep creating and the fans will come.

Tips to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers Faster

Here are extra tips to grow your YouTube channel and subscribers even quicker:

Collaborate with creators who have similar content to access their audience.

Join the YouTube Partner Program as soon as you hit eligibility requirements to monetize your channel.

Create a channel trailer and set it as the first recommended video for new visitors.

Tips to Get Your First 1000 Subscribers Faster

Make community posts to engage fans between video uploads.

Respond to comments within the first hour of posting videos to increase engagement.

Add a subscribe button and channel icon overlay to your videos to facilitate subscribing.

Create a series of connected videos like a course to boost watch time and loyalty.

Make use of YouTube cards for playlists, videos, and channel links.

Set subscriber goals like 500 subscribers in 6 months and track your progress.

Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Get 1000 Subscribers

Here are common mistakes creators make that slow down subscriber growth:

Having no upload schedule and posting inconsistently

Making similar styles of videos and content that lacks variety

Not promoting videos across platforms to new viewers

Using low-quality thumbnails, titles that don’t stand out

Not engaging with audience and replying to comments

Not optimizing videos for YouTube’s algorithm with keywords, captions etc.

Focusing only on subscriber count instead of watch time and engagement

Subscribing to fake subscriber services that can get your channel banned

Ignoring your channel analytics and subscriber demographics

Trying to go viral without making searchable evergreen content

Milestones Towards 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

Gaining 1000 subscribers is easier when you break it down into smaller milestones. Here are some key goals along the journey:

  • Get your first 10 subscribers from friends and family
  • Reach 50 subscribers in the first 1–2 months
  • Hit 100 subscribers within the first 3–6 months
  • Get 250 subscribers in 6–9 months with consistent uploading
  • Cross 500 subscribers in your first year with increased video quality and promotion
  • Gain 750 subscribers in months 10–15 by improving search visibility
  • Reach 1000 subscribers before your channel’s 2nd anniversary!

Stay motivated hitting these incremental subscriber goals. Each milestone brings you closer to 1000 loyal fans.

In Conclusion

Gaining 1000 YouTube subscribers is an exciting accomplishment for new creators. It takes consistency, optimization, promotion, value, and patience. By following the tips in this article, you can get your first 1000 subscribers in 2023. Just focus on making great content and providing value to viewers. The subscribers will come with time.



John Luis

John has over 15 years of experience in the marketing Find more here. <a href="">johnbestmarketingtools</a>