Lessons I Have Learnt From Nearly 3 Years of Travel Blogging

Jane Dempster-Smith
2 min readDec 2, 2016


Back in 2013 we sold up everything, downsized and became empty nesters. Traveling the world was our dream. Could we travel and become travel bloggers? My 40 years of travel experience surely should be a bonus in our new life.

In Facebook we created To Travel Too, then along came Instagram and Twitter and in the last 12 months Pinterest. What about our website — it took a while but after two years in 2015 it was launched.

Lesson #1

Embrace social media early on. Don’t expect huge traffic results from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter instantly. It takes a lot of hard work and long hours. It is definitely not your 9–5 job, it is now your business and you are working longer hours than ever, but hey! the results are so rewarding. Each 1,000 follows on social media gets you so excited you go out and tweet it to the world! Why shouldn’t you you have worked hard to get more followers!

Lesson #2

Ensure you have quality content to populate your website. Quality content is king! Bonus: you have to continue to travel to write more content! Way to go!

Lesson #3

Understand SEO and keywords at the beginning. In hindsight, I should have taken a course in understanding how SEO works and what impact it has on your Google ranking. What about Domain Authority? Well, still working on that one!

Lesson #4

Travel Blogging Conferences such as @TBEX should be attended early on when you are getting yourself established. The learnings and the connections made at our very first one in Sweden has been invaluable to the business.

Lesson #5

Follow your passion always! This is my job for life! I am not giving it up for anything.

Are you following your passion? If not, why not?



Jane Dempster-Smith

A Baby Boomer Travel Blog for Baby Boomers by Baby Boomers. Check out our website at www.totraveltoo.com. Our motto “age is no barrier when it comes to travel”