Salesforce REST API Tutorial

Salesforce notes
3 min readFeb 22, 2020

Salesforce provides a native REST Api that enables external apps to read / manipulate the data located in Salesforce.

In this tutorial, we will see how to connect to REST API and send a request to create an account.

We will use Postman for testing. you can however choose the REST API client of your choice.

Step 1 : Create a connected app in Salesforce

  • Open Setup home -> Apps -> Manage apps -> new connected app
  • Set the Name, API Name and contact Email
  • Enable OAuth Settings
  • Set the callback URL to sfdc://oauth/restapi/success
  • Select the scope : “Access and manage your data (api)
  • Save the connected app and wait few minutes for it to be activated.
  • Note the consumer key and consumer secret to use them in the next step

Step 2 : Connect to the REST API

To authenticate to the REST API, we use the OAuth Username-Password flow.

  • Create a new Postman collection
  • Create a new Request, name it “Authentication request”and add it to the collection created previously.

Configure the request as follows :

  1. Method : POST
  2. Endpoint : (replace login by test if connecting to the sandbox)
  3. Headers
  • Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

4. Body

  • grant_type : password
  • client_id : paste the consumer key from the connected app
  • client_secret : paste the consumer secret from the connected app
  • username : Salesforce username
  • password : Salesforce password

5. Hit send

Salesforce returns the response that contains the access token and instance_url note these 2 values to use in the next step.

Step 3 : Manipulate data with REST API

In this step we create an account in Salesforce with the previously obtained access_token and instance_url,

Create an account

  • Method : POST
  • Endpoint : <instance_url>/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account

Headers :

  • Authorization : Bearer <access_token>
  • Content-Type : application/json

Body :

  • The body must be in JSON format
  • To create a new account with the Name “Test REST API Account” paste the following JSON in the body
"Name" : "Test REST API Account"

Body Part :

  • Send the request.

After the request is sent, a response is returned by Salesforce with the ID of the new account created.

Let’s see the new account created directly in Salesforce :


The REST API enables you to access (read, update, delete, export…) all data present in Salesforce from an external app, to dig deeper, read the REST API developer guide :

