Classes and Objects In Python

Amazing Tips
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


Classes and Objects

In Python, a class is a blueprint for creating objects, which are instances of the class. A class defines a set of attributes and methods that describe the behavior of objects created from that class.

You may need to use classes and objects in Python when you want to:

1- Create custom data structures: Classes can be used to create custom data structures that can hold multiple pieces of data and can be manipulated with methods. This can be useful when working with complex data that doesn’t fit neatly into a simple data type.

2- Create reusable code: Classes allow you to define reusable code that can be used in multiple parts of your program. By encapsulating code into classes, you can create a library of functionality that can be used by other developers.

3- Implement object-oriented design patterns: Object-oriented design patterns are widely used to solve common programming problems. These patterns often involve creating classes that work together to solve a problem.

4- Create graphical user interfaces (GUIs): GUIs often involve creating custom classes to represent windows, buttons, and other user interface elements. These classes can be customized to fit the specific needs of your application.

5- Implement object-oriented programming principles: Object-oriented programming is based on principles such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Classes are used to implement these principles and create maintainable, extensible code.

Overall, classes and objects are a powerful feature of Python that can be used to create modular, reusable, and extensible code. If you need to work with complex data, create custom data structures, or implement object-oriented design patterns, classes and objects are essential tools in your Python programming toolkit.

In This chapter You Will Discover:

8.1. Changing the String Representation of Instances

8.2. Customizing String Formatting

8.3. Making Objects Support the Context-Management Protocol

8.4. Saving Memory When Creating a Large Number of Instances

8.5. Encapsulating Names in a Class

8.6. Creating Managed Attributes

8.7. Calling a Method on a Parent Class

8.8. Extending a Property in a Subclass

8.9. Creating a New Kind of Class or Instance Attribute

8.10. Using Lazily Computed Properties

8.11. Simplifying the Initialization of Data Structures

8.12. Defining an Interface or Abstract Base Class

8.13. Implementing a Data Model or Type System

8.14. Implementing Custom Containers

8.15. Delegating Attribute Access

8.16. Defining More Than One Constructor in a Class

8.17. Creating an Instance Without Invoking init

8.18. Extending Classes with Mixins

8.19. Implementing Stateful Objects or State Machines

8.20. Calling a Method on an Object Given the Name As a String

8.21. Implementing the Visitor Pattern

8.22. Implementing the Visitor Pattern Without Recursion

8.23. Managing Memory in Cyclic Data Structures

8.24. Making Classes Support Comparison Operations

8.25. Creating Cached Instances

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