World Tourism
4 min readNov 5, 2017

World’s first decentralized currency dedicated to $25 trillion tourism market.

With over 100 million Travellers, 560 + Tourism clients worldwide and 120+ countries reach.

Tourcoins IS… — A Tourism Community — A diverse group of Experienced people and skill sets, including decentralized pundits, tourism experts, advisors, Legal consultant, Immigration and remittance authorities, Aviation and transportation specialists, Geographical experts, Network Engineers, Hardware and software professionals, etc. Uniting to realize a vision shared by 30+ members of the World Tourism Crew. All passionately devoted to collaboration and the development of the Tourcoins ecosystem and community — An Underlying venture — Secured by a cryptographic blockchain and ERC20 smart contract technology. Through the use of SmartBridges, the Tourcoins Crew is able to connect many popular Tourism aspects and finally create a unifying bond among different ecosystems. Numerous other bridges connecting new and already existing blockchains in the future. — Security — Because we understand security is a major point of concern for everyone, cryptographic, virtual endeavors and security principals are incorporated throughout the entire Development Life Cycle to guarantee a secure core meeting the requirements and expectations of our customers and clients. Through continuous risk analysis and internal recurring penetration testing, we provide a gateway that fulfills the high standards required by this type of environment. — Security and Privacy –World tourism provides Tourcoins users with optional privacy when sending different transactions throughout all of the services developed for the Tourcoins platform.


To provides a written outline of how we envision the World Tourism (TOURCOINS) to grow, technical aspects of our concept and a basic overview of our road map. The original funding for this project raised through an ICO of seeded Tour coins for alternative crypto currencies is dedicated to further development and exploration of Tourcoins ecosystem and builds use cases to surround it. A general overview of the initial commitment is provided for distribution to participants of the Tourcoins.

This white paper outlines the value proposition of the Tourcoins Platform, the company’s business model, and the coin storage, distribution and mining mechanics.

What are Tourism service sectors?

The Tourism service sectors are made up of a complex web of relationships between a payment gateway, exchange, immigration, remittances services, and variety of suppliers, tourism products, and destinations marketing organizations, tour operators, and travel agents, among many others. Under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Tourism services comprises businesses and functions that assist with planning and reserving components of the visitor experiences.

Our History and Summary

Tourcoins is an incentive of the World Tourism and decentralized community as well as groups of independent Tourism agencies worldwide founded in 2015 to counter global exploitation of travellers by major tourism companies. The Tourcoins team has extensive experience in setting up and managing tourism and services, as well as developing automated tourism interfaces and travel management tools while effectively working with regulatory authorities.

Tourcoins offers a vision for a new standard for decentralized payment and management vehicles that will bridge the gap between the Tour agencies, exchanges, banks, Tourist, fiat* and crypto universes. The Tourcoins Platform and APIs focuses on all the aspects of decentralized Tourism vehicles, from technology and infrastructure, to legal compliance and corporate structuring. The Tourcoins Platform will be the one-stop solution for different Tourism sectors to create and manage Travel industry globally.

The 21 million Tourcoins will be distributed among public contributors during the Distribution Period starting on Dec 1st, 2017. And the remaining will be minable in future. In total 42 million Tourcoins will cease to exist.

World tourism and our vision

TourCoin will an end-to-end-encrypted system with zero-knowledge technology over which communications, data, or value can be securely exchanged, transmitted and stored. It is an integration of revolutionary technologies that create a system over which innovation can accelerate by combining four functions that are traditionally done separately: 1) transactions 2) communication, 3) security and 4) competitive governance. This is done in a secure and anonymous manner, using a worldwide distributed blockchain and computing infrastructure. The system integrates multiple best-in-class technologies to form an open platform for permission less innovation that can evolve with user preferences.

We bring investment transparency, globalization, and decentralization to the next level by implementing blockchain technology — all with a commitment to sustainable continuous development in cooperation with financial regulators and legal permutations of respective countries.

We combine our ready-to-use research and technologies with our core expertise in structuring travel industries both internally and through our partnerships with external and internal decentralized and tourism pundits. Working closely with the best Blockchain and smart contract experts and developers, tourism experts, Software developers, respective Authorities, Designers, we are creating a solid bridge between the blockchain universe and the Tourism world by providing a transparent, secure and compliant framework for decentralized asset structuring and operation.

We are helping to expand and explore the boundaries of tourism possibilities and to encourage tourism industry expert to recognize blockchain tools as the new reality in classical tourism markets. Ultimately, World tourism aims to be the benchmark for decentralized tourism asset and vehicles that invest and incorporated in traditional tourism instruments as well as in emerging distributed economy opportunities.

World Tourism

World’s first decentralized currency dedicated to $25 trillion tourism market.