7 AI tools to land your dream job

deToxic Dev
6 min readApr 30, 2023


Source Jason Leung on Unsplash

Are you fed up with continually looking through job postings and uploading resumes with no luck? You can benefit from using AI in your job search, whether you are looking for a remote job or a regular office job!

As a job seeker, it is also critical to understand how hiring managers use AI at various phases of the hiring process. Employers are utilizing artificial intelligence to screen you and determine your suitability for a position. Understanding the techniques they use will improve your chances of navigating the hiring process and securing a job.

There are hundreds of AI-powered job search tools available. I haven’t done extensive testing on all of them, but the ones I’ve highlighted below have all received positive feedback and performed as expected in my short experience with them. If you find that the tool itself isn’t quite suitable for you, don’t dismiss the app’s intention; keep looking until you find one that is.

1. Create a resume with KickResume

It’s not simple to condense an entire job into three powerful bullet points, and if you’re like most people, you hate talking about yourself more than anything else. I have easily wasted hours gazing at a flickering cursor while writing, deleting, rewriting, condensing, etc.

An AI resume writer, such as Kickresume, will perform the majority of these tasks for you. You only need to provide your position title. Then, the AI resume builder will use AI (GPT-4 in the case of Kickresume) to generate relevant bullet points. You can ask the tool to generate as many bullet points as necessary, then select the ones that are most pertinent to your actual work experience. Additionally, the tools can compose your resume’s summary, education, and talents sections.

source: KickResume

After the writing is complete, you can choose from a variety of design templates and customize the colors, typefaces, and other elements to reflect your personal brand.

2. Job Matching with Talentprise

Sorting through job postings, searching for requirements and salary ranges, and researching the company’s culture all consume valuable time that you could devote to dazzling recruiting managers and landing the ideal position.

This is where AI job matching platforms can assist: they use AI to match you with job listings that are likely to be a good fit for both parties, based on your talents, experience, and what you’re seeking in a company or position. If you are seeking a remote position, Talentprise and Pyjama Jobs are viable alternatives. Another platform, Fortay, offers a survey to assist you in identifying companies with the appropriate culture suit.

With Talentprise, for instance, you’ll answer a series of questions about your employment preferences (such as location, willingness to relocate, remote vs. in-office, and when you’re available to start) and fill out your “biography,” which consists of resume-related information such as work experience, talents, and education. Then, you will complete the Talentprise assessment, which measures your personality and work attributes, as well as your values and motivation, to construct a comprehensive profile for you.

Then, Talentprise’s AI matches your profile with relevant job postings on the website and presents it to recruiters. So, once you’ve completed your profile, “applying” to positions that match your qualifications is as close to a passive activity as you can get.

3. Transform your resume as per your job requirements with JobScan

A decade ago, the actual process of applying for jobs was drastically different than it is today. Numerous recruiters and hiring managers rely on algorithms and applicant tracking systems (ATS) to analyze resumes for the appropriate keywords. Even if your skills and experience are a perfect match, your resume may be tossed into the “no thanks” bin if it does not contain these keywords.

Jobscan and other AI-optimization tools ensure that your resume gets past ATS algorithms and into the “interview, please” queue.

These applications compare your resume, cover letter, and even LinkedIn profile to the keywords found in the job posting you choose. They evaluate how well your resume suits the role and provide recommendations on how to optimise your resume for each position.

4. Get the best cover letter with CoverDoc

Writing personalized cover letters for each position is likely the most time-consuming aspect of job searching, but it’s essential for making an impression. AI-powered cover letter generators, such as CoverDoc.ai, expedite and simplify the process.

A specialized AI cover letter tool, such as CoverDoc, facilitates the prompt process, but if you’re already using another tool, any generative AI writing tool can also handle your cover letter.

It should go without saying that you will need to review and revise your cover letter to ensure that it accurately reflects your skills, experiences, and characteristics. Nevertheless, beginning the job application process with a firm design generated by an AI tool can be a tremendous advantage.

5. Train for interviews with Interview Warmup

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but AI-powered interview coaching tools like Google’s Interview Warmup can help you practise in a low-stakes environment and receive feedback.

These applications simulate a real interview and provide customized feedback based on your responses. It can help you identify areas in which you need to develop, such as your body language, tone of voice, or responses to specific interview queries.

By practicing with these tools, you will feel more confident and ready for interviews with higher stakes. In addition, you’ll have a better idea of what to expect, which will help soothe your anxiety and allow you to concentrate on making an excellent first impression.

6. Give mock interviews with mockmate

Now that you are ready for interviews, how about going through some mock interviews, so that you don’t utterly fail when you face a real one.

Mockmate is an AI-powered platform that provides automated simulated interviews to its consumers. Through these automated interviews, Mockmate aims to expedite the hiring process for those seeking a new position or a career change.

For interviews and independent analysis, Mockmate employs both natural language processing and AI.

7. Negotiate with Payscale

Negotiating your salary can be difficult, particularly if you do not know what a reasonable salary range for your position and experience looks like. Payscale and other AI-powered compensation tools can be useful.

Payscale uses artificial intelligence to analyze data from thousands of job listings and compensation surveys to provide you with a salary estimate based on job title, experience, education, and location. They can also provide guidance regarding the benefits and advantages you should request, such as flexible hours or remote work options. In addition, you can fill out detailed information on any existing job offers to compare them.

I am sure that with these AI tools, you will be able to land the job you have been preparing for. Good Luck.

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Keep Hustling \m/

