4 min readOct 21, 2017


In the past, it had been definite that the best phone to have was a Nokia! 15 years ago, these definitely seemed to be the most popular phones to have existed, retro, vintage, quirky. However, this wasnt obvious when aired on Blue peter the first portable phone on the 14th october 1976 (41 years ago)

When the first portable phone arose, Blue peter seemed quick to judge the phones as an awful designed that ‘wouldn’t catch on’, yet it seems almost everyone now has one.

Moving on, here are a few well known different types of phones you can choose from that may just be for you!

P.S please bare in mind that it does depend on the models of the phones as to how good they are.


If you would like a memory card and internal hard drive as well as a decent camera, then this is the correct phone for you! The only problem with these type phones seems to be they are quite undesirable if you would like to store bank details, passwords etc as the smartphone itself relies on android processor, which makes it basically easy to hack and create viruses on these phones, so maybe only perfect if you want a popular phone which appears stylish and also much cheaper than other phones!

Google pixel

These are the perfect phones, if you have the money and can appreciate that the background apps etc all look pretty vintage and simple. Google could possibly be as good as it gets also in terms of battery, which seems to charge within an indeniable ’15 minutes’. The camera seems to be pretty good also, as it captures a 360 effect of pictures. The downside effect to this phone is it’s heavily expensive and doesn’t look amazing, and is also very easy to hack.


Iphones are massive competitors to samsung. However, iphone seem to be decreasing the amount of buttons etc on the phone. For example, the iphone 7 does not allow earphones to be inserted to the phone without either an adapter or bluetooth earphones. As well as this, iphone have their own unique charger, which can be pretty annoying if you leave your charger at home and all your friends don’t have iphones. But, the cameras are awesome and these phones aren’t as easy to hack. However, with iphone, music has to be paid for in order to download them whereas the android songs can be downloaded free on the internet. The battery also seems to drain quite fast.

On the other hand, the iphone does have a smooth running system, as the phone is fast in terms of how fast apps open, run and close, which is a big bonus if you want a fast-runner.


Big up to doro, who have created an expensive phone that look just like the phone from 2000, except with much bigger buttons. These phones seem to be pretty average however for people with sight difficulty, as the buttons are very big and the phone in terms of use is pretty easy to understand. The phone does seem to however have very limited function and probably isn’t the most stylish phone.

ALSO: of course, there are many other phones out there to check out, for example htc, windows, nokia, blackberry, lg etc but that would make this read so much longer.

Thanks for reading!

