Basslines App .. Motivations & inspirations ..

Thiago Lioy
3 min readJan 22, 2016


A couple months ago i've bought rocksmith and my hobbyistic music path started all over again. I've always loved music and since early life i've tried different instruments without much success i must say. The game ignited in me something,and i gave myself another chance to learn music for real, using the same approach that i was already used to, on a different frontier, programming. Truth be said, music is not that different from programming at all, this new approach made all the sense.

I've started a music enlightenment path that made me face different learning sources. From berklee material in coursera to books, videos, youtube, and so on. A key learning source during this last months was scottbasslessons, an amazing learning platform about bass and music in general, i have no words to describe how good it is, an incredible environment for anyone who really wants to learn bass for real. I was really impressed of how much of Scott's speech, can easily be correlated with programming, lean thinking and startup literature. In one video he talks about pareto(20–80 principle) on learning music, learning anything in general and how prioritization is extremely important, nothing more lean right ? In many of his videos you can find common ground with ideas from other books in the area of behavioural psychology, he discuss the myth of the gifted born and how hard work and practice is key to success, much of those ideas are great explored on mindset a fantastic book, that in my opinion every one should read. Scott's lessons also open my eyes to another great book about bass from Ariane Cap , a must read for sure.

Those sources have given me the right amount of inspiration, my own learning path provided the motivation to create an app that would join two passions of mine, programming and music. Basslines is an app that lets you see scales, chord tones, diatonic harmony for different keys in a breeze. The roadmap for the product is huge, with many different ideas to be explored. Many options can be great but simplicity and focus are the main goal in every starting product, they guided my approach and kept me lean while developing this M.V.P.

So what the app does?

Baselines is an Ipad app that provides information about notes on the bass neck . It enables you to create diatonic harmony for specified keys, enables you to see scales and chord tones that you can use under a specific key.

In the upcoming weeks i'll update the product to add features from the product roadmap that make sense, will also release a pod of the framework of music theory that i've created to power the app. This pod will eventually be made open source.



Thiago Lioy

iOS developer, design enthusiast, blogger, weekend cook, guitar player, traveler. Creator of iOS mag: