Building Self-Efficacy through Goal Setting: Drawing Inspiration from Albert Bandura

Tiago Pariz
4 min readJun 13, 2023


Self-efficacy, a concept introduced by renowned psychologist Albert Bandura, refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to successfully accomplish tasks and achieve desired outcomes. It plays a crucial role in our motivation, resilience, and overall well-being. In this essay, I will explore the importance of self-efficacy and discuss how setting challenging goals can be an effortless way to enhance it mostly in sports and day to day life. By understanding Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy and applying it to our lives, we can foster personal growth, overcome obstacles, and reach new heights of achievement.

  1. Understanding Self-Efficacy and its Significance: Albert Bandura proposed that self-efficacy beliefs have a profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and performance. When individuals have high self-efficacy, they are more likely to approach challenges with confidence, persist in the face of setbacks, and ultimately succeed. On the other hand, low self-efficacy can lead to self-doubt, fear of failure, and a decreased willingness to take risks.
  2. Setting Challenging Goals: One powerful method to increase self-efficacy is by establishing challenging goals. When we set goals that are beyond our current capabilities but still attainable with effort and commitment, we create opportunities for growth and personal transformation. By stretching ourselves beyond our comfort zones, we expand our skills, knowledge, and abilities, leading to increased self-efficacy. Bandura suggests that setting challenging goals allows individuals to experience a sense of mastery, which, in turn, boosts self-confidence.
  3. The Role of Mastery Experiences: Bandura emphasizes the importance of mastery experiences in building self-efficacy. These experiences involve successfully completing tasks or overcoming obstacles, demonstrating to ourselves that we are capable of achieving our goals. When we set challenging goals, we provide ourselves with ample opportunities to accumulate positive mastery experiences. Each small success serves as evidence of our competence and reinforces our belief in our abilities. Dakkar Rally champion Matthias Walkner tells on Red Bull's Podcast Mind Set Win how he establishes small goals in his quests to achieve the extra percent in the road to victory.
  4. Vicarious Learning and Social Modeling: Another aspect of Bandura’s theory is the idea that self-efficacy can be enhanced through vicarious learning and social modeling. Observing others who have successfully achieved challenging goals can inspire us and instill a belief that we, too, can succeed. By seeking out role models, mentors, or communities of like-minded individuals, we can gain valuable insights, learn from their experiences, and adopt their strategies for success. This process helps us develop a sense of self-efficacy as we witness others’ achievements and internalize them as possibilities for our own lives. But these are a bumpy road. Social modeling in the context of social media today can be very detrimental to one's life. While social media platforms offer ample opportunities for individuals to connect, share experiences, and learn from others, they also present certain dangers when it comes to social modeling. One significant concern is the potential for unrealistic comparisons and idealized portrayals of others’ lives. Social media often showcases carefully curated content that highlights only the best aspects of individuals’ lives, creating an illusion of perfection and success. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and a distorted sense of reality. Moreover, the proliferation of influencers and celebrities on social media can influence impressionable individuals to adopt unhealthy behaviors, unrealistic beauty standards, or engage in harmful practices for the sake of emulating their idols. Therefore, social modeling should be taken in a very close ambience with very careful participants, mainly people you know and have some degree of relationship with you. Social media can make you fall into the traps of comparison and unrealistic expectations.
  5. Providing Support and Building Resilience: While setting challenging goals is important for self-efficacy, it is crucial to remember that setbacks and failures are inevitable on the path to success. Bandura recognizes the significance of providing support and fostering resilience when faced with obstacles — Bia Haddad Maia and Novak Djokovic are both recent good role models. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors can offer encouragement, advice, and guidance during challenging times. Social media's never the answer on creating this cushion of support.

Self-efficacy can increase belief in one own abilities and achieve personal growth. By setting challenging goals, engaging in mastery experiences, learning from role models, and fostering resilience, we can effortlessly enhance our self-efficacy. As we continue to strive towards ambitious objectives and surpass our previous accomplishments, we will experience an enduring sense of confidence, motivation, and fulfillment.



Tiago Pariz

Sou jornalista pela PUC-SP, com MBA em International Marketing pela FIA. Sou sócio da Caravelas Comunicação. E vivo a comunicação de ambos lados do balcão.