I went a week without an iPhone, then 9 months with an old iPhone

Terry Porter
3 min readMay 18, 2018

Here is what happened:

My iPhone 6S died

I took my Grandkids to a local waterpark, kind of a nice Grandma thing to do last summer. We were walking around, trying to figure out where to put our stuff, when a giant bucket splashed water on all of us. Like we were completely drenched. I realized right away that while the Grandkids and I would be fine, my phone would not be, it was also soaked.

Tried the rice trick when I got home, no luck. This was the beginning of my week without an iPhone. I looked at new phones, too expensive. I went to repair shops. I journeyed to the Apple Store. This was unfixable.

I work for a tape company, so I know about the piece of tape inside the phone that tells them if a phone has gotten wet or not. I always admitted that it had. What a frustrating process!

Finally, my Daughter took pity on my iPhoneless angst, and gave me her old iPhone 6. She had graduated to a 7. I wouldn’t think there was much difference between a 6 and a 6S. I would think wrong.

I am so grateful to have gotten a replacement phone, and was able to use iCloud to backup all of my stuff to the 6. But the 6 is slower. Apps don’t load as fast. The camera sucks compared to the 6S, and I like taking pics. I replaced the battery because it takes an hour to charge up.

Finally, I complained enough that my Husband got fed up and told me to go get a new phone. It had been 9 months of living with the iPhone 6. I also knew sooner or later my Daughter would want that old phone back to give to her now 10 year old Daughter. It was time to upgrade, and yes it would be costly. But lots of decisions to be made now…

Did I want a regular iPhone or a Plus? What color? Move up to the 7? to the 8? to the iPhoneX?

My theory has always been to NOT buy any 1st generation Apple product. The first iPhone was OK, but the next one was better. Same with the first Apple iPad, the Apple Watch, etc. So I ruled out buying a 10.

8 is my lucky number, and the 8 seemed to be just a tiny improvement over the 7, so that is what I went with.

And I decided to get the (RED) iPhone. It’s for a great cause, and I love the color red.

How does it feel to be back among the living again with an updated iPhone? Fabulous!!!

