Redneck Island Memorabilia #1 & #2

Terry Porter
2 min readJun 25, 2018


How I won some stuff from CMT

Starring Stone Cold Steve Austin

From Wikipedia: Redneck Island strands a group of contestants, stereotyped as “rednecks”, on a deserted island and they compete for food and immunity. Players battle in two teams each week, with the losing group voting one of their players out with a “beer ballot.”

This show was an obvious rip off of Survivor. But I was a fan of Season 1 & 2 of Redneck Island on Country Music Television. Then I feel it started to go way downhill, although I watched all 5 seasons.

The show had a good theme song, “Longnecks and Rednecks” by James Storm.

On Twitter in 2013, I entered a contest to win some Redneck Island Memorabilia. I ended up with two things:

  1. A 4 foot by 6 foot Redneck Island vinyl banner
  2. A postcard signed by the Season 1 cast

The banner was huge, white with red text, and I couldn’t exactly hang it in my house. I tried to give it away to several local bars, with no takers. Finally, my Husband contacted one of the contestants who lived in Texas too and arranged to send it to him for his local bar.

I kept the postcard and framed it.

