Unexpected journeys among conferences & #noobcoding sessions

Tamas Puski
3 min readJul 31, 2015


The Intro

This blog is about my adventures in conferences \ self educated coding sessions and such. I hope you will find something useful here. After earning a degrees in Human Resources & Management a few years back, I am now enjoying a career as a “technical recruiter”, but I don’t like this term so feel free to call me Chünin 中忍. In the early years, I was involved in tons of assessment and development centers as well as evaluated psychometric tests. I loved these activities at this small Hungarian R&D company and felt lucky because I could learn a lot and be creative. Then, after two years, I decided to leave the team and look for a new place.

This was the time, when I met with the recruitment scene. It was new for me and, as usual, the devil was in the details. In the next year, I became a job hopper because I was looking for my way and inspiration to find the best place for me, both of the personal and professional side, made decisions fast in order to reach my goals. Than finally, I met with the IseeQ guys more than two years ago and have jumped into hardcore technical match-making: recruitment related networking, I will go into details later. It was a long and hard journey but I have really enjoyed the process while working a lot and helping build the company, together with the others.

About programming and conferences..:)

Also, I have always been interested the technology side of the world so I started to learn programming in my free-time. First and foremost, I am a hobby “player” and always work with tiny exercises called #noobcoding sessions.

These events are controlled by a seasoned coder, so let’s keep that in mind if you would like to judge my code quality. Then again, I am keen on attending conferences, because I deeply believe in lifelong learning as well as other ways of gathering knowledge. Last year, I decided that I would take part in prestigious technology related events and I tried to find some alternative ways to be part of these amazing conferences in Budapest.

First, I got some discounts, and soon I earned my first volunteer opportunity at Craft. I don’t want to go into details but it was awesome. I could be a part of an excellent team and attend interesting talks for which I am very grateful to the organizers. After this event, I took part in 7 other events as a volunteer or ambassador in 2014. Last November I was in Paris, at dotCSS and dotJS the same way and these were my first conferences abroad. So, I realized that this a really good chance to mix things and meet with new guys\speakers. I could learn as well as travel lot, while I could help the organizers spread the word about their events. Now in 2015 July, I have had 9 conferences behind my back and I was in Tel-Aviv at UX Salon and Bucharest I T.A.K.E Unconference as a volunteer. Also the show must go on….

What’s next….?

My aim here is to share my experiences and show how you could hack the system and be part of amazing worldwide communities. These networks have given me a lot and I really appreciate their support and kindness. If you have any questions or comments about my posts, feel free to contact me LinkedIn or Twitter.



Tamas Puski

Work hard, live smart [….] don’t hate, create….Jōnin 上忍 @ #IseeQ && @Emarsys , @cssconfbudapest and @frontendmeetup organizer..:)