3 min readFeb 25, 2020


The seafood sector right now is filled with a lot of abuses ranging from overfishing to mislabeling.

Of course, a wide variety of reports have been stating that the seafood consumers are highly prone to buy some illegal tuna products unknowingly from the market operators who experiment slave labours.

Due to this, there is an increasing range of demands raised from the consumer side in regards to bring complete 100% traceability in the seafood commodities.

To meet this demand, blockchain has come into pace as an one-stop solution that can help us get rid of the seafood supply chain risks instantly at the right time.

With the track record of being the first of the kind that is set to help ward off human rights and illegal fishing abuses, the revolutionary blockchain technology stands the best out of its technological counterparts.

Come; let us forecast the future scope of seafood supply chains with blockchain in terms of transparency and traceability!

Digital blockchain for better, improvised and promising supply chains:

Hope, we all might be aware that the unique technology blockchain has been known for its impeccable transparency and immutability. These traits have made it stands as a leading technological use case in the seafood domain over the recent times.

Though the seafood supply chains seem to be transparent and traceable to some extent with the recent technological advancements, it is not that much enough to meet the consumer needs and the industry demands.

Moreover, the retail seafood commodity buyers are also seeking for betterments in the supply chain in terms of traceability and transparency over years. But, none other than blockchain have proved its worth in this case.

So, keep on enriching the seafood supply chain management operations with the incorporation of blockchain technologies.

The rest of the article will let you know the provenance of blockchain in seafood industry….

How blockchain finds its trivial use case in fisheries?

An interoperable traceability system is always crucial for any seafood product to grab the attention from the retailers and consumers side and to predict its upcoming market value.

Blockchain provides a means to track, trace, and record publically the information relevant to the overall journey of seafood inside its supply chain.

Also with blockchain, it is very much easier for the supply chain participants to track the future edge of fish from ocean to plate, by being aware of where it actually comes from, and how cum it travels throughout the entire supply chain.

From the consumers’ perspective, blockchain helps them track the information regarding whether the seafood item is reliably identified, legally obtained and sustainably sourced or not.

Thus, the one and only solution that can help the seafood supply chain stake holders, enthusiasts and consumers address the prime challenges involves the application of blockchain technologies into the complex seafood supply chains.

Hence, it is clear that blockchain serves as a matchless traceability booster in seafood supply chain domain.


Yes! It is only the technology blockchain that can be able to fix even the irresolvable problems with the seafood supply chains in no time.

Thus, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the entire seafood sector on the go with ease, and this is why it stands distinct and high among the variety of technologies that account for supply chain transparency and traceability.

Are you a food entrepreneur looking out to opt for the best blockchain seafood traceabilty solutions provider in the market to make your business much smarter and efficient than before?

Do you like to make your seafood venture enter into the hall of fame with no concerns?

Let me introduce a renowned food traceability firm Tracefood. It is one such amazing platform that has been delivering quality and compliance boosted blockchain deliverables to its world-wide clients.

So, if you join your hands with it, you would certainly be able to reap immense benefits for sure.

Source: Blockchain For Seafood

Originally published at on February 25, 2020.

