4 Ways To Empower Your Communication

Tracey A Ferrant
3 min readDec 17, 2023


It's time to empower your messaging.

We all send messages, one-off and over a period, even for a lifetime. And if you think I just mean words, you’re about 20% correct. Communication is words, body language, aesthetics/look, environment, availability, timing...

Communication is:
What we say and don't say.
What we project or don't project.
Communication = Choices.
We choose our messaging.

Have you been sending the right messages over your lifetime?

If not, it’s time to redefine and boost your personal messaging. Consider it a lifelong investment, in yourself. Be respected and respectful. Don’t you dare betray yourself. Be respectful of yourself and who you are, and send that signal. You are important, your voice is important. Matter to you in the room, on the phone, and anywhere you go. Have you been signaling the right way?

Communication is not only about you, so even if we are confident on the inside, remember that. People pick up things (real or imagined) based on what we project in our words, body language and aesthetics. People also interpret things based on the world they come from. Don’t give people the chance to misunderstand you or subordinate your importance. This doesn’t mean you dominate or are always right, but that you underline your importance.

4 Ways To Empower Your Communication:

1. Chin up! Sit or stand up right, and look people in the face. It matters. Our body language speaks, in a moment and in a lifetime. Even if we are confident on the inside, remember that communication is not only about you. It’s also the direct and indirect things people see and hear. Your don’t have to look like a robot or be upright in every interaction. But make it a habit to sit and stand upright and keep your chin up, while giving off ease, that you are comfortable with yourself.

2. Decrease your supply. The law of supply and demand combines two fundamental principles: your supply of a resource affects its price and value in the market. (I'm not referring to a career or situation where high communication is required). Be uninterested or unavailable at times to people. Especially with someone who doesn't value you, or people who always dominates, and who take total importance in conversations and situations. They think it's all about them; that they are centre of not only their world, but yours. People like this don't value you, and subordinate you in communication. It's not conversations of mutuality, or balanced interest. It's only a topic if it concerns them.

So pull back. If you're always available for people, they don't often value you. Don't provide solutions or advice. Don't always pick up when they call or follow every topic they bring up. Cut a conversation short sometimes. For example, show your importance by saying you have to work on something.

3. Be silent. Learn to hold yourself in. Remember, closed mouths don’t eat. However, too much silence makes you invisible. So choose the right moments. Even a fool when they are silent, is counted as wise.

4. Keep it short. Short sentences and short communication. Only say what's necessary. Are you a rambler? Don't. Don't nervously ramble on. Curb your habit. Don't do it to be nice or minimize yourself. It makes you look out of control. And it wastes time. Be clear, concise, effective, cordial. (Bonus: Never overstay your welcome).

• Self gratification
• Boost your self-confidence
• Lifelong investment
• Be respected
• Influence others
• Underline your importance
• Reduce self doubt (and negative self image)
• Mitigate disrespect
• Less stress (people take less advantage of you)
• Freedom
• Greater self control
• Strengthen your defence
• Love your self more and show it

• Underline your respect for yourself.

1. Chin up!
2. Decrease your supply
3. Be Silent (hold yourself in)
4. Keep it short

By Tracey A Ferrant

