Why I’m Leaving my Kids for 3 days (and so should you)

Tracey Howard
3 min readAug 31, 2022


There’s a real business case for CEOs and entrepreneurs — especially entrepreneur-parents — to go away for a solo trip. Hear me out.

In the last 5 years: I started a business, had two kids, and lived in 4 countries — the United States, England, Germany, and Curacao.

And whilst it’s been one heck of a ride and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, something’s been missing.


When was the last time you were alone for more than 2 days, without it being a work trip?!

I’ll wait.

Because the last 5 years I’ve been a revolving door of Mother-Wife-Entrepreneur. And the scraps have been left for Tracey.

So rather than going on a family trip or even a couple’s trip with my husband, Chris and I decided that it would be important for each of us to have a solo trip with ourselves.

To take a step out of Mother/Father, Wife/Husband, Entrepreneur.

And reap the benefits that time alone can give to us.

Here are 4 business reasons why you need to take a solo trip ASAP

  1. Your kids and partner and company can live without you for a few days.
  2. Yes, it’s good for them. Yes, they’ll gain new perspective. Everyone will benefit in some way or another by you being away. Ask them about it.
  3. Your environment is extremely powerful.
  4. It cues your brain and body to ‘remember who you are — and locks you into habits and behaviors. Getting away from your environment is one of the fastest ways you will see, challenge, and break habits and patterns.
  5. Being alone for uninterrupted amounts of time means you are primed and ready to receive big ideas and massive clarity and huge downloads of guidance!!
  6. Get ready for the floodgates to open that simply cannot happen when you’re sitting at your desk!
  7. You are the MVP in your company, family, and life.
  8. Face it, you’re tired. Tired of always DOING and being ON and showing up. You really need to sleep in. Have a lazy day. Do nothing. Do nothing and see what miracles come of it.

I am constantly doing childcare and housework and business.

But tomorrow? I step into freedom LOL.

I will be saying goodbye to my kids, to my husband, and will be heading to a gorgeous resort here in Curacao.

I have the intention to do one thing: write my book. What would your intention be?

I’ll be turning off social media. Turning off my business brain. Turning off my mother brain. Turning off my wifey brain.

I will be turning ME on.

And I can’t freaking wait!!

Email me at tracey@livlitceo.com to let me know if you’ve done a solo trip like this before, or drop a “ME” if you love the idea and want to do a solo trip in the near future.

I’ve got your back. Do it.

I love you. Let’s, coach.

xx Tracey

CEO, Co-Founder, and Master Coach with Liv.Lit!

PS My coaching programs begin with a full-day Immersion Experience in Curacao. Why not take a few days for yourself AND get some intentional coaching to call in your next level of business and life success? Email me to learn more.



Tracey Howard

Tracey Livingston Howard is an entrepreneur, coach, and facilitator. She is the cofounder of Liv.Lit! and writes on the Entrepreneur Mindset of Success.