Encounter with a Dragonfly

Every experience should lead you to a place of quiet contemplation...

Tracey Pharoah
3 min readDec 7, 2013


I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed how many posts there are about change... a sign of the times or just the year drawing to a close? In my own life, at the end of every year I think about making change and as every new year begins, I think I'm ready. What I have found is that we tend to revert to what we know; as this is a comfortable space for us.

So, following the death of Nelson Mandela, I have done a little introspection and the outcome so far is that I KNOW deep down inside that thinking about change and actually acting on it are two very different animals. Inspired by this thought, I have decided to embrace the dragonfly as my totem for 2014. I am going to be closing the door on some relationships in my life in order to make space for new and exciting possibilities. I am finally ready to stand in my creativity, embracing it and giving myself the time to grow into the new version of me. The dragonfly is a reminder that in order to achieve your full potential, you may be required to let go of thoughts, feelings and habits that are comfortable and represent a place of 'safety'.

Capturing images of the dragonfly pictured here, was no easy task, but I was determined to do it, even at the cost of destroying my most precious piece of tech... My camera! I was treading water in a deep pool with a gushing stream wrapping itself around me, threatening to knock me off balance at any moment. The rocks were slippery and there was no place to find a foothold without disturbing this enigmatic yet engaging creature. I had the distinct impression that the dragonfly was flirting with me, teasing me by settling on the rocks then as I focussed, it would dart away only to come and land in the exact same spot within milliseconds. I am somewhat stubborn, so I persevered and after about forty-five minutes I was rewarded with six amazing images that captured the incredible translucence and vibrancy of this fascinating creature ... I'd like to believe that this was because the dragonfly allowed me to share these moments, teaching me that patience can be rewarded and maybe even... Fun?

The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life and is a symbol of change and light. It is about exploring possibilities and bringing joy into your life, it's about delving deep into your emotions, letting go of doubt and insecurity and allowing your true colours to shine forth...

I have always believed everything happens for a reason. the most important reaction is to trust, not to question or to try to understand but to believe that change is not only inevitable but is necessary so that you can let go... Sometimes your life needs to fall apart so that you can pick up the pieces you need, and discard the ones you don't; all in the process of creating a new version of you...

"May you touch dragonflies and stars, dance with fairies and
talk to the moon ..." — Author unknown



Tracey Pharoah

I think I am a thinker… Sometimes it’s words, sometimes it’s pictures, sometimes it’s something far less tangible… www.traceypharoah.com