Research Questions.

T.L. Hicks/Mystic Rose
2 min readJun 20, 2017


Everyone that writes for online content hubs such as #Odyssey, #Medium, #Millennials365 and others, I have questions.

What hubs do you write for?

Why did you choose to write for those hubs?

Do you get paid for your content?

Did you seek them out (how), or did they seek you out and how?

Why are online content hubs becoming popular?

Why do some people feel like these hubs are a scam?

With these online content hubs being millennial-driven, how does such online content hubs appeal to the older generation and the older generation writers (such as myself) and to the younger generation and the younger generation writers, those younger than the Millennials?

Why choose a content hub platform over your own website (blog)?

Any advice for young generation (Generation Z)of writers reading this article and would like to write for a hub?

Any Advice for the Millennial writers reading this article and would like to write for a hub?

Any advice for the older generation (Generation X and Baby Boomers) of writers reading this article and would like to write for a hub?

Any added information?

For those who believe these content driven sites are scams, why do you believe so? Can you suggest an alternative for the writers?

Thank you for your help in my research. You can message me here on Medium or email me at with your answers.

#contentcreator #amwriting #research #articles #contenthubs#onlinecontenthubs #questions

