Tracy Richardson of Serendipity Wellness®on The three S’s of better Self connection

Tracy Richardson
2 min readJul 26, 2023

Embracing living life in the slow lane and flipping the off switch, or implementing loving boundaries around when you’re ‘on’ and unavailable are essential.

To enhance your connection to your inner self, I like to consider the 3 S’s, Silence, Stillness and Space.

Stillness- being still allows you to reconnect with the natural world and your inner being. Just stop creating chaos in your life, slow the F down and appreciate life. Spiritual connection isn’t about taking action, it is about vibrational alignment and bringing your subtle energies into harmony with your environment, like being part of a healing melody. The less you do the more you can accomplish. Everything is a vibration and so if you are able to slow down physically, you can slow your resonance and move into resonance and balance with your surroundings- this actually allows your personal resonance to raise and you feel more in tune. It is almost as though you are unmanifesting to stop creating resonance and just be. Creating a peaceful calm strength within yourself.

Silence- Embracing silence, and learning to be silent within yourself, allows you to step onto the natural hum of life. To create a harmonious resonance within, that allows you to tune into yourself by tuning out all of the noise and feel peace. You are able to place yourself at the centre of your life, you are the common denominator in everything around you and so by being able to quiet the chatter in the mind, and create stillness in the body enhances your awareness, your observations and perceptions of reality. I call it- tuning in to turn up for yourself- the key to conscious connection- Consciousness not self centredness.

Space — Life is busy, and living in an always ‘on’ society where everything is constantly available means creating space for you to step away and unwind is necessary. When you are really busy you may need to be prompted to hold space for yourself and allocate this within your day. Sometimes scheduling this into your diary really helps with making it happen. Placing this window to unwind at the start or the end of the day as non negotiable time can work well. Colour coding it in your diary and scheduling this on repeat means that it will stand out and that you cannot overbook yourself. Setting aside time for you to unwind can be as simple as 5 minutes of silence or breath work, or taking yourself off on a week long retreat.

Slowing down isn’t a one size fits all solution, so having options available and support in place is essential to help change the paradigm.

What will you do today to better connect to yourself?

Love + wellness

Tracy x

Stillness, Silence & Space



Tracy Richardson

Therapist (MSc), Wellness Consultant, Founder of Serendipity Wellness® & author of The Little Book of Wellness: An A-Z Guide to Nourish Your Body, Mind + Soul