15 Things To Do Instead of Scrolling Mindlessly Through Facebook

Tracy Falbe
3 min readMay 16, 2018

Scrolling feeds is the new cigarettes. You can do better with your time.

Please give me a hit of temporary pleasure.

Social media has launched the time suck age. Whatever did we do before we could browse through a never-ending display of pictures and text?

The infinite nature of the Facebook design makes you always want to look at the next thing. It will always load more. It’s not like a bowl of popcorn or your bank account that will run out. The ever-active, never-resting hive mind will always provide more for you to look at, but do you really need to? Should you?

Facebook hardly appears to be a safe space. Aside from its obvious function of monitoring the masses, the social media titan stands accused of irresponsible and disturbing behaviors. These include an experiment to influence users’ moods through feed manipulation and the collection of money from Russian organizations for ads designed to stir up political hostilities in the U.S.

The media you consume on Facebook for the most part is not adding to your life. In fact, it’s probably taking away from your life because even staring off into space and daydreaming would probably be better for you.

I understand that Facebook often allows you take a break from other things, but, when you get that nagging feeling that you’ve…

