Lost En Route Together

tracy k. ard
1 min readOct 13, 2016

I must have passed a thousand of these little furry things on my bike ride today, most of them somewhere in the midst of crossing multiple lanes of traffic. I’m not sure why. From my perspective, one side of the road looked just as good as the other — a seemingly equal distribution of soil and foliage, friends and foes. Yet there they were, out on the asphalt with me and the cars and the trucks and sometimes deer and opossums and bears. All of us in determined locomotion, going somewhere else on this beautiful fall day. Godspeed, little furry things.



tracy k. ard

Find my words on The Haven, P.S. I Love You, Student Voices, and at https://eatingmywaytothetop.com/. I also accidently wrote a book. Sorry about that.