The Number One Reason Why You Should Never Suppress Your Creativity

Tracy Landu
3 min readMay 19, 2018
Photo by Pixabay

We’ve all had times in our lives when we have doubted our abilities, whether it was due to fear, feeling inadequate or any other false limiting beliefs that we told ourselves in that moment. As a result we may have missed an opportunity to create something that could offer a solution to a problem . Have you ever taken the time to reflect on those experiences? If so, how did it make you feel? Disappointed in yourself? Frustrated? Or perhaps regretful?

Now think about the times when you had a creative thought and pursued it. How did that make you feel? Proud of yourself for transforming an idea into something tangible? Accomplished for being able to provide value to others? Even if the final creation was not how you “perfectly” envisioned it, what mattered most is that you believed in yourself enough to take start and take action.

You trusted your gut and followed through regardless of the outcome. It was a learning experience in which you discovered what you are capable of producing under constraints or when you’re given the space to express yourself.

Trusting your creative process allows you to:

  • Escape your comfort zone
  • Discover more about who you are and what you are capable of
  • Learn from mistakes and…



Tracy Landu

London-based freelance writer blogging about personal development, creativity and wellbeing. Create more, consume less. 🐦: @tracylandu